Paris1Hi everyone–

As you probably know, my most recent release was a paranormal gay romance called The Pack or the Panther. The title defines the dilemma. My hero, a sincere and accomplished gay werewolf named Cole, must choose between his dedication to the pack and his passion for a panther shifter named Paris. Paris is a cat. I love cats. I also love Paris. He’s one of my favorite characters. But cats are independent, sneaky, self-centered, luxury-loving, solitary creatures and humans who love them love that about them. Humans who don’t love them, HATE that about them. The same can be said for my hero, Paris.

In 21 books, i’ve never had a hero who was so polarizing. Readers LOVE Paris. They make PackorthePanther[The]LGup hymns of praise to him, beg for more books with him in it, call him one of my best or perhaps my very best hero. They call him sexy and HAWT! But not all readers. Some DETEST Paris. User! Selfish! Obnoxious!

All you have to do is look at the ratings and reviews. 5 Stars! Fabulous, sexy, hot, romantic, wonderful! 1 or 2 Stars! That damned cat is so awful there’s no love in the book! It’s hard to believe they read the same book — unless you think of how people feel about cats. Totally polarizing. Few people are indifferent to felines. They love them or they hate them.

Paris isn’t my only feline shifter. Alain in Cataclysmic Shift is a black cat — but he’s a different breed of cat. More innocent and devoted. A kitten you could say. Paris has claws! So i guess i’ll brush my hands together and call my work done. I set out to create a panther shifter — and i succeeded. Love him or hate him, the guy does get under your skin.

BTW, the next book in this series comes out on April 16th!  Just a few days. But Wolf in Gucci Loafers doesn’t feature any sneaky felines, so we’re safe! : )