Top 10 Movie Proposals of All Time

by Nov 8, 2019komono, Movie Magic Romances

Hi. If you’ve read any of my books or about any of my books, you probably know that happy-ever-after is my thing. I want my stories to end happily, and very often that means with a proposal and a wedding. It’s funny, because when I first started writing romance back in 2010, Same Sex Marriage was not yet the law of the land and I’d have to find big excuses to get my heroes to one of the few places in the nation where they could marry. I was actually half way through a book when marriage equality was finally enacted and I was totally happy to have to rewrite my book.

Today, love is love and I can pull out all the stops to pair up my lovers anywhere I want. I think proposals and marriage scenes are the places to pull out the stops. It’s hard to make them too romantic in my opinion. I’ve had amazing times creating wild and wonderful weddings. That’s why I thought you might enjoy this video of the Top 10 Marriage Proposals. Some of my great faves are in this video. I probably wouldn’t argue with their pick for number one, but I must confess, I’d make their number 4 at least a tie for the winner.

See how you feel about the proposals they chose. BTW, I have a couple romantic novels you might like to know about. My art and football romance, Outing the Quarterback, just went live in Kindle Unlimited. And my contemporary, MM homage to My Fair Lady, a new book called LOVE AND LINGUISTICS is available for preorder and will be releasing on Nov 26th.


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