New Release plus Giveaway!—THE PRETTY BOY AND THE TOMBOY by Tara Lain
Hi! Welcome.
Today we’re celebrating the release (or actually re-release but it’s been a few years off the market) of THE PRETTY BOY AND THE TOMBOY. This book was originally titled Deceptive Attraction, and if you read it back in 2012, there’s no need to read it again – unless you want to.
This is the third book in the Genetic Attraction series but is totally standalone. If you’ve read THE SCIENTIST AND THE SUPERMODEL ( If you haven’t, I’m running a 99 cent special on it on March 3 March 4), you’ve met the totally charming Cal Martin, younger brother of Jake, and the guy who steals a lot of scenes. THE PRETTY BOY AND THE TOMBOY is Cal’s love story and, like most of the books in this series, it’s a MMF ménage. If you’re not familiar with the terminology, it means everyone in the trio is in love with everyone (and has sex with everyone).
As the new title implies, this book brings together three unlikely characters – an up and coming soccer player, an androgynous carpenter (the pretty boy), and a midwife who works in Africa (the tomboy). THE PRETTY BOY AND THE TOMBOY is available on Amazon in both ebook and print and in KU.

Get Book 1 for just 99 cents!
The Scientist and the Supermodel, Book 1 of the Genetic Attraction series, is on sale for just 99 cents March 3-4.
Genetic Attraction Series (Book 3)
2nd Edition (First edition was titled Deceptive Attraction)
Caleb Martin faces a life crisis — and he’s pretty embarrassed about it. A talented soccer star, he has the chance to sign a lucrative five-year contract and be rich and famous. Two problems – Cal’s gay and signing the contract means he has to stay in the closet, maybe for life. Plus, he’ll have to spend his years diving for soccer balls when he’d like to be helping people like the rest of his family.
A one-night stand with a beautiful man rocks Cal, but the mysterious guy vanishes only to reappear where Cal is house-sitting. Too much coincidence? And then a cute tomboy throws Cal’s life choices into confusion. How could he wind up with a commitment phobe and a woman dedicated to her work in Africa? To top it off, there’s a big surprise in a snowstorm.
Cosmic joker strikes again.
One commenter will WIN a $7.00 Amazon GC. In this book, there’s a big surprise and turning point in a massive snowstorm. To win the GC, just leave a comment on this post telling us of your most surprising weather related event
Excerpt from The Pretty Boy and the Tomboy
The guy was looking down at his beer, but Cal still got a good look at the profile. Wheat-colored ringlets stood out from his head, framing a sharp, slightly upturned nose and bright pink cheeks. Not made-up, probably flushed from the heat and attention. Shirley fucking Temple. No, that made him sound cutesy and this guy was not. He was sexy as hell. The man picked up his beer bottle and took a swig. One of the guys near Cal actually sighed. Yeah, who wouldn’t want those pretty, pouty lips wrapped around their dick?
And then there was the body. Small, slim, but pure male. The hands around the beer bottle looked rough and calloused, like they’d scrape your butt real nice if he grabbed you. His forearms under the pushed-up sleeves of his blue T-shirt were lean, but ripped and muscled. Shit, what did Jake call Roan? Sex on a stick. No wonder these guys were drooling.
One of the admirers Cal didn’t recognize was saying, “C’mon, beautiful. Your boyfriend must’ve stood you up. Which means he’s fucking crazy and doesn’t deserve you, so let me buy you a drink, okay?”
Another guy chimed in. “Or me. Am I your type?”
Wow. So with all this adoration, the pretty boy was still buying his own beer.
Ringlets said something, and Cal moved a little closer to try and hear. The man standing in front of him looked up. “Hey, Caleb.” He frowned a little, clearly not wanting any more competition. “What are you doing here?”
Yeah, what was he doing there? Eavesdropping? Satisfying his curiosity? Or nurturing the raging hard-on pushing against the zipper of his jeans? The fact was, he hadn’t had sex in weeks and hadn’t had satisfying sex in — shit, forever. He wasn’t really the bar-pickup type, but the blond was something special.
He started to answer, but suddenly the guy at the bar turned on his bar stool, and Cal got the front-on view for the first time. Holy fucking gorgeous. Cal was staring directly into the tawniest pair of golden eyes, like some kind of cat. Yeah, the cat that ate his voice. He couldn’t speak. Just stood there like someone had struck him dumb. The man smiled. Deep dimples appeared in the pink cheeks. That put the finishing touch on the hard-on.
“Caleb.” How did he know his name? He must have heard the other guy say it. The blond’s voice was soft, a little high, somehow appropriate to his prettiness. He said Cal’s name somewhere between a question and a sigh. He looked around at the other men. “You see, I told you I was waiting for someone.”
What the f —
Loud protests followed.
“Well, why the hell didn’t you say you were waiting for Martin?”
“Some guys have all the luck.”
“Hey, Cal, why’d you keep your date waiting, you asshole?”
At a loss was too mild a description. But the guy had things under control. He stepped off the bar stool — long legs made him a little taller than Cal had guessed, probably about five feet ten — and extended his hand to Cal. “So now that you’ve kept me waiting and made me lead on all these handsome guys, I figure it’s time you dance with me.” The golden eyes stared at Cal as if daring him to deny that they were a couple. Hell, Mrs. Martin didn’t raise any dumb sons.
Cal took the man’s hand, just as rough as it looked, and after a pause to stare down at the disappointed faces, he pulled the guy toward him, wrapped an arm around his lean shoulders, and turned toward the tiny dance floor. The other men grumbled but backed off.
When he and the pretty boy had moved in among the other dancers, Cal turned toward him. Golden eyes gazed up at him. The man held up his arms, ready to let Cal lead. Good. He slipped his arms around the slender body and moved them into a gentle rock. Cal was no great dancer, but fortunately this dance floor didn’t allow for much in the way of ballroom style.
They both spoke at the same time. “You want to explain what –”
“Thanks for going along –”
The guy smiled up at Cal. “Thank you for going along with me. I was telling the truth; I was supposed to meet a friend here, but he didn’t show.”
“A friend?”
“Yeah, just a friend.”
“Really? Not a lover?”
Cal got an appraising stare. “No. I don’t do lovers. It rhymes with commitment.”
All righty then. “So your friend…?”
“Yeah. I was planning on killing him the next time I see him for leaving me here alone, but…” He looked at Cal with a soft smile. “I think I changed my mind about that. I’m Elijah, by the way. Eli.”
“Caleb. Cal. I guess we’d better not shake hands, or we’ll give ourselves away.”
“No shaking of hands required.” Eli molded his body to Cal’s. Cal could feel the man’s hard cock pressing against his thigh, and wished for the first time in his very tall life that he was shorter. Man, he would like that hard rod pushing against his cock. Shit, he should run. He could sense this pretty boy was way out of his league in terms of experience, since Cal had only had one committed relationship and a couple of short-term affections. The guy might even be a player, though his reluctance to let his admirers buy him drinks didn’t suggest that.
But Cal knew he was thoroughly and righteously hooked. He might not have known his type until tonight, but the fact was, Ringlets was his idea of perfect. No, he wasn’t going anywhere.
Min was when we got so much snow that we opened the garage door and there was an imprint of the door but no light shining in.
WOW! That’s soo much snow!
I came home to find a storm had caused a large oak tree to have fallen in my yard. It blocked my driveway. A little to right and it would have taken out my garage and truck. If it had fallen the other way, my bedrooms would have been smashed. We were lucky!
Boxing Day a couple of years ago … my son was driving his truck down a major highway and hit black ice like hundreds of others did … he and my daughter survived flipping over three times before resting off the road … uninjured in his totaled truck. SOOOOOO lucky to be alive….
That’s awful. I’m so happy they made it through uninjured. I was in a car that turned over, but only once. That was scary enough!
On our way from Iowa to Tucson, AZ to visit our daughter and her family, we spent Christmas Day in Roswell, New Mexico snowed-in with the little green men.
Living in a tropical country, rainy season could mean massive flood for us. A few years ago, when I still work at an office located in supposedly the city’s golden triangle area, huge rain caused flood on the streets that I had to take to go home. Luckily I changed my shoes to flip flop, but still had to fold my pant legs to my knee and bum-ride a motorcycle. Still ended up soaked through the bone. Not something I want a repeat of.
Yes, I’ve seen that kind of rain. It actually hurts when it falls on your head!! : )
My most surprised weather related event is the fact that Indiana didnt have a bunch of snow this year and that we have also been having weather go from 53 to 19 and lower
Yep. Crazy weather everywhere. We get down to the love 20s, but no lower so far — in southern Oregon.
Not really an event as an inconvenience. Just two weeks ago, I had a lovely time at shiMMer in Birmingham, and then my flight back to the Netherlands got delayed. And again. And again. Due to a heavy north-western storm, the planes couldn’t leave Amsterdam. Eventually, they departed and landed in England. I was home nine hours later than planned.
I hate it when that happens!! Glad you’re home safe and sound. : )
We have high winds about 20 mph yesterday and today here in california
Yes, i heard about that! Hold onto your hat Dorothy! LOL
There was a tornado watch in our area. I got in the bathroom. My husband saw it coming our way. He got the video camera (this was before Phones) and began filming. The tornado touched down in the subdivision. It left our home with slight damage, roof shingles blown off). He didn’t realize the danger he was in until later.
Whoa! I’ve lived with every kind of natural phenomenon except tornadoes! So scary.
Being on a cruise for my 11th b-day and being near a hurricane… my dad and I watched the dramatic weather while everyone else ended up seasick.
I live in the Deep South where it snows once very 5-10 years. A couple of years ago it snowed twice within a month!
I used to live in Washington DC where it snowed every year, but the city acted as if it were Atlanta. Snow stopped everything — every year! LOL
When I was younger we went to Disney World. The first day it was 75 degrees. The second day we went to the park it was 72 so we all had shorts and tshirts on. By 3 o’clock that afternoon the temperature dropped to 34 degrees. We all almost froze.
Holy cow! I’ve been drowned in rainstorms but never frozen at Disney World! LOL
This looks so good, I had to get all three. Lol.
Thank you soooo much!! : )
Not sure if you’d call it weather related, but some 15 years ago my then boyfriend and I were outside at night having a serious talk about our relationship. It was winter and pretty cold, and it was dark. Still you could feel something kind of strange in the air.
Suddenly the whole sky lit up in brilliant shades of mostly green, but also red, blue, and purple! It felt like a charge of electricity in the air and it was gloriously beautiful!
It was the Aurora Borealis and I’ve never before or since seen it here in Stockholm, Sweden, it usually appears much further north.
The boyfriend and I stayed decided it was a sign and stayed together another 5-6 years, we’re still friends though we’ve both moved on.
I’ll never forget experiencing my furst Aurora Borealis and I’m so thankful for that night.
OMG, I’d love to see it!
woke up to Snowmageddon years ago. heavy & wet snow cover cars and steets. the whole family had to help with shoveling.
The event wasn’t exactly a surprise, it was the result that surprised us. When hurricane Irma came through SW Florida we fully expected to lose our mobile home. When we returned from where we had evacuated, we were shocked and very pleasantly surprised to find we had power, cable and water. The place we evacuated to lost power during the storm.
At least that was a happy surprise! : )
My surprise weater is that its in the 70s.
Good kind of surprise!
Congratulations on the release! I just picked up book 1 and can’t wait to start this series!
Thank you, Tanya. Hope you enjoy them. A 4th book will be out in 2 weeks. : )
Living in Australia surprising weather events are the norm. Horrendous bush fires one day and then massive flooding the next. (At least this put out the fires.)
So very sad for all the weather trauma and destruction. Hugs!
I once drove into a tiny localized blizzard called a weather bomb. I went from clear roads to about half a foot of blowing, blinding snow. Less than a minute later, I drove out of it.
Wow. I’ve never heard of that. : )
Not long after I bought my first house we had an ice storm. It was unreal! I got stranded in the city because the train lines got knocked out and the ice was so thick on my driveway that I had water pouring in my basement windows. That same day I was a couple cars ahead of my friend on the highway and he had a massive accident. I didn’t know for a couple of days because I was dealing with the ice damage. I’ve never seen ice like that before or since.
Wow! Where do you live Jennifer?
Delaware. I was stranded in Philadelphia. The ice storm was supposed to happen but no one had any idea it was going to be that bad. I waited in line at the train station for hours to get on a jam packed train because they could only get out trains as they cleared tracks. It was unreal.
I lived in Pennsylvania in high school and we had killer ice storms! Not as bad as yours, but bad!
My most surprising weather related event would have to be riding in a boat to exit my neighborhood. In August 2016, Louisiana ensured a great deal of flooding. My house flooded. The only way for us to get out of the neighborhood was by boat.
OMG, Marilyn. I’m so glad you made it out of such a horrific event!
encountered a blizzard
This was when I was younger. We had had a particularly bad snow storm. I think it was like 23 inches of snow. There was no school for days and the day after the storm my dad and I went out because we needed to go to the grocery store ( several blocks from our house) but midway there we came across a 5 foot wall of snow because I guess the neighborhood thought it would be fun to pile all the snow from the road and the walk ways together?? My dad got over (since we couldn’t go around) it fine but I had no idea how to approach it being five. I did eventually manage to get over it with my dad’s help.
I saw a tornado pass right by my house when I was a child
I’ve never had any surprising weather moments
I live in SE Texas so we deal with hurricanes and a few years ago hurricane Harvey rolled through and I turned on the news a saw half the city under water. Our weather is so changeable that it can be 40° one day and 80° the next.
On our way from Iowa to visit our daughter and her family, we spent Christmas snowed-in in Roswell, New Mexico with the little green men.
When I was a kid we had that much snow that my mom fell through the snow and it totally covered her.
I grew up in PR in the 70’s and 80’s. Hurricanes and more hurricanes passing by and guessing where they were going to hit was a game. Of course, in the decades since I moved away there have been a few that are no joke.
In very early February of 2011, there was a MASSIVE snowstorm/blizzard in Chicago. In the evening people were still trying to get to wherever they needed to be, and A LOT of cars got slowed to a stop and ultimately got trapped on Lakeshore Drive (right on the lake). People were stuck in their cars for I-don’t-know-how-long, and finally all rescued/evacuated. I think that some people just walked away. Hundreds of vehicles were just parked there, during the snowstorm overnight… It sure made for a helluva sight, and a story too.
WINNNNNNER! And the winner is Terri Quick! Terri, i’ve sent you an email.
Thank you all for entering. This was fun. I think we should do it more often. Hugs!
My surprise weather event was last year when I observed a funnel cloud and snapped a photo of it.