Hi — Sometimes readers ask me things about myself, so i accumulated a few of those questions and answered them here with some fun facts —
- As a child, I lived first in Austria and later in Japan as well as on both coasts of the US. I was in school before college for 11 years (I skipped a grade) and was in 13 different schools.
- I love cats but my honey is very allergic to them so I have a Papillon dog who thinks she’s a cat. She licks her paws and washes her face with them and is totally finicky about food. I adore her.
- I love snakes. When my honey and I go to the zoo, which is pretty often, he stands outside for a long time while I commune with my slithery pals. Me and Harry Potter.
- For astrology buffs, I have 6 planets in Libra — having six of anything is called a stellium. If you’re really a buff, I’ll tell you I have 9 air signs and no earth. I also have 9 cardinal signs. Doing new stuff is fun for me.
- My name is really Tara but it’s pronounced Tahra like tar on the roof not Terra. It’s a Sanskrit word meaning star or the guiding star
- Like so many authors, I wrote my first book at five. The hero was (of course) a snake named Peter. Peter Pit Snake to be exact
- After seeing a gazillion beautiful places, I still think Paris is the most gorgeous city I’ve ever seen
- I’m hugely claustrophobic
- Two of my dearest friends growing up were gay men. I didn’t know it because they didn’t know it (or didn’t share it if they did). But they have ended up influencing so many things in my life.
- I’m one of the lucky ones. I met and married my soul mate. We’ve been together over 30 years. That’s why I can say as a romance writer, I know my subject!
That’s it for now. Watch for Big Backlist Weekend coming up! My new release is
Never and coming up is the re-release of Snow Balls! Thank you so much for coming by! : )