We have so many winners of Volley Balls! Congratulation to Cathy Mack who won the drawing here on the site by random number. Cathy has been soo much fun on my blog visits and her persistence paid! And Cathie Morton won at The Romance Studio Party (i haven’t heard back from her yet.)  And then DA won the book as part of the Romance Reviews blog hunt event. Too FUN. Congratulations everyone. Still two more weeks of events at which to win. I’ll post the events tomorrow as usual.

I know some of you have come over to my new Facebook Author Page and “Liked” it. BUT, a meltdown of some kind has occurred at Facebook and I CAN NOT GET INTO the PAGE. You guys can but the admin is shut out. So if you want to find the Tara Lain Page (picture of me with flowers) and LIKE it and talk to each other, that would be great but i can’t see your posts. This is very frustrating, it’s affected a lot of Pages, and i have no idea when it will be fixed.

Tomorrow from 6PM to Midnight, a bunch of authors will be chatting at Love Romances Cafe I’ll be there for awhile and would love to say hi.

Have a grand and glorious summer weekend! Will post the new schedule tomorrow.BTW, there’s an interesting new post over on the Author Blog on contemporary romance and whether you like it more realistic or more fantasy. Check it out.  :  )