Hi! Want to win a T-shirt? You can choose either Volley Balls, Fire Balls or Spell Cat. What do you have to do? Well, it turns out i am blogging all over the place this week. So hop around and answer some questions (see below) then email the answers to me at tara at taralain dot com. I’ll choose a winner at the end of the week. (Plus, there is a book giveaway at Kay Berrisford’s so be sure and leave comments.)

Answer these questions and email me the answers:

1. In Jared Anderson’s interview of Tara, what are the two things she says inspire her?
2. What is one reason Tara says people might enjoy reading a MM romance?
3. What are two of the kinds of non-fiction that Tara writes?
4. In Beach Balls, what does Sky say when Adam says he just wanted to see the octopus?
5. Where did the idea for a rebreather diver character come from in Tara’s book Beach Balls?
6. In Beach Balls, what does Adam say he has the best of?
7. What does Tara say are the two kinds of setting categories?
8. What is the city next to Laguna Beach that Tara uses to represent conservative attitudes in Mistletowed and Beach Balls?
9. What two books of Tara’s were written with outside literary inspiration?
10. In Sinders and Ash, what does Mr. Pennymaker ask Mark to do before he goes out in the red dress?

Here are the places to find the answers:

Jared Anderson — Thank you for the wonderful interview. (Now)

Sue Swift/ Suz de Mello — She’s also a guest on my Author blog (Now)

Kay Berrisford — I visit the Greenwood! (Now)

Dirty Birdie Authors — I’m a perv of the feather! (Wednesday)

Amber Heat — Blogging at AQP! (Thursday)

I’m thinking of doing a contest a week except when i have a Blog Tour which is a contest all by itself. What do you think of the idea? What kind of contests do you enjoy?  :

Thanks so much for visiting the blog. I love blog followers. :  )