Hi everyone–

It’s a dog fight of the very best kind. My adorable papillon pooch, Jolie, is a contestant in the First Annual Author’s Invitational “Dog Fight”. Every author agrees to donate a bag of dog food to their local animal shelter when their dog is eliminated from the contest. But let’s not talk elimination because clearly Jolie is the most adorable!!

You can’t vote for Jolie until October 19th but there are new matchups every day so get over there and vote for youd choice of super pooches (and one super kitty). Here’s the link again! http://caseyholloway70.wix.com/dogfight#!home/mainPage And you have a chance to donate to the ASPCA as well so it’s all for good fun and a very good cause.

I don’t want to play unfair but…..

Cast your votes every day! But especially on the 19th!!  And October 22nd is her second birthday!!

Thank you for visiting. I have Allie Ritch with Alien Sex 103 on my Author Blog on Wednesday and Thursday. Don’t miss it! She has a great prize too!  : )