Knight of Ocean Avenue 400x600Hi–

Since i posted below, i discovered that i have been passed to the next round in the contest because the other contestant in my first round didn’t get her scene in on time. So, go over and vote and check out the scenes and enter to win, but my scene won’t be there until the next round. 

Here’s what i wrote —

I am a contestant in the Sizzling Sex Scenes Contest at Scorching Book Reviews. If you’ve read my book, KNIGHT OF OCEAN AVENUE, then you probably remember the scene where Billy and Shaz “study” for his contractor’s license with the help of the “Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear” didoes! That is the scene i entered in the contest. You can only vote for my scene for the next two days (Saturday starting at 3PM and Sunday) so hop over quick. Regardless of who you vote for, will you check out the contest HERE and Vote for Sex! There are lots of prizes to win, too!  Thank you for coming by. : )