anniv2015WintersWolfFSHi —

So happy to tell you that Winter’s Wolf  has kicked off with a blast! In it’s first day out, it’s a bestseller at All Romance, Amazon and Dreamspinner Press! Also, if you move quickly, you might still find The Pack or the Panther and Wolf in Gucci Loafers available for only 99 cents at these booksellers! This morning, all three of the Harker Pack books were bestsellers at Amazon and ARe as well. To read an excerpt from Winter’s Wolf and to enter on the Rafflecopter to win a $25 GC, Click HERE.

Meanwhile, i want you to know that the big Anniversary Party at The Romance Reviews starts today and you can enter by going HERE. Later in the month, you’ll have a chance to win Winter’s Wolf at TRR’s Anniversary, and, meanwhile, there are many other great prizes for you to win.