Hi everyone–
Today i’m welcoming my friend, Tristram LaRoche, back to the blog with his amazing new book, The Hun and the General. I particularly asked Tris to help launch his book here because i think it’s so exciting. I’ll let him introduce it, but be sure and leave a comment with your email (don’t forget the email). I’d also appreciate it if you follow the blog — but not a requirement!  LOL The comment gives you TWO contest entries. You may win a copy of The Hun and the General AND you’ll also be entered in the drawing for my books Mistletowed and Deceptive Attraction on Dec 16. How’s that for a deal? Okay, here’s Tris–

Where Did That Hun Come From?

I have to admit that my latest novella, The Hun and The General, is a bit special to me. It’s my first historical story and I enjoyed writing it so much that I can guarantee I’ll be writing more. This would come as a surprise to my school history teacher who was so bad at his job he managed to convince me that I hated the subject. His lessons were simply him telling us to read Chapter X in a book while he spent the rest of the time reading the newspaper, and the homework was writing about Chapter X. It never varied and we never got any feedback on our homework. Can you wonder it turned a fifteen year-old off the subject? Fortunately, my natural interest returned as I got older.

We travelled around and lived in different parts of Europe when I was young. I’m grateful for that, even though it meant I never had any place that was really home, as it opened my eyes and my mind. It was then I fell in love with Rome and became attracted to its ancient history. So when a couple of my fans on Goodreads said ‘Oh, write about Attila the Hun’ I really took it to heart.

Although just about everyone has heard of the famous barbarian, little is actually known about him or his people. This gave me a good deal of scope to take what few facts we have and weave them into a fictional tale of political intrigue. The Hun and The General is necessarily quite brutal and graphic in parts, but it’s a love story about how a relationship between two powerful men can change the course of history. We must always remember that 1,500 years ago people, especially leaders of people, did not share our sensibilities. Killing was often a simple necessity, and sexuality was something very fluid and undefined. Attila may have been a barbarian marauder, but it is unlikely he was as bigoted as some of our fellow citizens are today.

The Hun and The General, published by Etopia Press on 2nd December. Here are some buy links:


Pannonia, 5th Century AD

Attila smashed his fists into the table, toppling his cup of mare’s milk. “They call me The Scourge of God and yet dare to question my orders?”

The warrior held his king’s gaze. “Your Highness—”

“Don’t Your Highness me, you blubbering fool. I’m sick of your groveling, Barbax. Speak frankly to me, without fear.” Attila rounded the huge table and brought himself up close to the trembling warrior. “Or shall I have you impaled and left out on the plains as a warning to others?”

Barbax shook his head. His lower lip trembled and his voice wavered. “N-no, Attila. I beg you, not that. If I am to die, let it be by your hand, with your sword.”

Attila flung his arms wide and Barbax flinched.

“How could I kill you?” Attila laughed and slapped Barbax on the shoulder. “Of all my warriors, you are the one I need at my side when we take Constantinople.”

“Yes, Attila. Of course.” Barbax shifted from one foot to the other, his eyes averted.


Barbax stared at him blankly.

“I’m waiting for the but. Come on, man, show me your guts. Tell me why we shouldn’t seize what’s left of the Roman Empire once and for all.” Attila turned to the table and saw the fallen goblet, the milk dripping off to soak into the mat on the floor. He bellowed to the far side of the room. “Girl, fetch ale.” He perched on the edge of the table and smiled. “Let us drink, my friend. See if the barley loosens your tongue more than your king’s wishes seem to.”

A slave girl scurried in, carrying a jug and two goblets, which she set on the table.

“Hurry up, woman, or I’ll tear your womb from you with my bare hands.” He grabbed the girl from behind as she bent over the table to pour the beer. He pulled her by the hips until his cock pressed against her buttocks. “Or maybe you’d like us both to give you a good fucking?” He let her go and laughed. “Away with you. We can pour our own ale.”

Attila filled one silver goblet and gave it to Barbax, then shook the dregs of milk from his wooden cup and served himself. He took a long swig and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Well, get on with it then.”

Barbax swallowed hard. “Theodosius has made Constantinople impregnable.”

“Nothing is impregnable, except that Visigoth wife of yours.”

“The walls he’s built around the city are like nothing else on earth.”

“And nothing on earth has ever stopped us.”

“But this is different. Constantinople is weeks away.”

“We’ve marched farther.”

“But not with the machines we’ll need if we are to even break one brick. We’ll need battering rams and towers and—”

“And we’ll take them. We’ll take all we’ve got, ironworkers and carpenters too, and then we’ll take Constantinople. I’ll personally impale that snake Theodosius before I piss on his throne.” He drained his cup and slammed it onto the table. “Start the preparations. I want to leave before the rainy season.”

“But Attila—”

“But nothing! Now get out of my sight before I put you over the table and do what I should have done to that serving wench.”

Attila stroked his fine beard with his fingers and watched Barbax leave. Pillaging had served their people well, but they had need of greater wealth now. Yet despite his bravado, the warrior king hoped for an alternative to the march on Constantinople. Barbax spoke the truth. With so much to transport, they would move slowly. Word of their approach would reach Constantinople long before they did, and Emperor Theodosius would have time to prepare. What Attila needed was a miracle.

You can find Tristram at:

Thank you all so much for coming by. Remember to leave a comment with your email both to enter to win The Hun and the General and also to be entered in the Dec 16 drawing for Mistletowed and Deceptive Attraction.    :  )