Hi — If you read my books, you know they tend to have VERY happy endings and these endings often include a wedding or at least a marriage proposal. In fact, one of my readers wrote me an  email at the end of a book awhile back asking, “Where’s my wedding?” LOL. I adore happy endings so it’s no wonder that i cherish films with wonderful marriage proposals. I found this video and it’s great! I agree with so many of these choices including numbers 2 and 1. See what you think. Do you agree? And after you watch, keep reading because i’ve included a snippet of a proposal scene from my new book, Fool of Main Beach. (But notice the spoiler alert!)

Isn’t that a great selection?

WARNING HUGE SPOILER! If you’d like to keep reading, below is an exclusive excerpt from Fool of Main Beach, but if you haven’t read the book and plan to, you might want to hold off reading this scene.If you read it, you can tell how much i love marriage proposals —

As Arwen read the list of nominees, a who’s who of international talent, Tom kissed the top of Merle’s head. “You’re the best, Merle. The very best.”

Merle’s heart exploded in a million pieces of joy. He had Tom. He had happiness. When Arwen said his name, it was almost an anticlimax.

People started patting him on the back, and Laila grabbed him in a hug.

Tom leaped up, grabbed Merle, and swung him to his feet. “You won, Merle. You won.”

Merle looked up into those blue, blue eyes. “You’re right. I did.” He kissed Tom and ran up the steps to the stage, his heart hammering. Award winners always said the acceptance went by so fast they hardly remembered it. Seize the moment.

He took the heavy gold statue from Arwen, then walked to the mic. “I can’t tell you what this means to me, but it pales next to the opportunity to work with talent like Laila and Aaron and the indescribably great Renee Montrose. There are so many people to thank, including my folks, who surprised me tonight by arriving from New York.” He took a deep breath. “But instead of thanking all those wonderful people, I’d like to answer a question asked by Andy Caliber as I walked in tonight. He said after a year like this, what am I going to do for an encore?” Merle’s eyes gazed at the first row. “What I’d like to do—is get married.” The whole place went nuts, and Merle help up a hand. “The night before I agreed to make Truth Bites, I met the most wonderful, honest, loving man in the world, He saved my life on the beach—and he’s been saving it ever since. Tom, will you marry me?”

As people whistled, stomped, and yelled, Merle knew the cameras were all focused on Tom’s sweet face, and the whole world got to see the tears running down his cheeks as he nodded yes.


I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for coming by!