The Papillons are coming! The Papillons are Coming!

by Mar 12, 2020News

So many people have asked for “more Papillon” that I wanted to tell everyone that PASSIONS OF A PAPILLON is just the beginning. It’s the first book in a series called Fuzzy Love and there will be future adventures.

Each book will stand alone in that it will have a different romance and couple, but Batshit, the intrepid Papillon, will return for each adventure. I’m working on book 2 now, which will be called PRANCING OF A PAPILLON. In this book, our new hero, Jericho Jones,  joins Finn and Batshit at a dog show! I’m learning all about dog handling and dog shows through research and lots of help from friend, Belinda McBride, who raises and shows dogs. I’m having a great time writing it and giving Jericho such a yummy love interest!

Expect Book 2 of Fuzzy Love, Prancing of a Papillon, sometime in the early summer. :  )

Passions of a Papillon by Tara Lain

Tara Lain indulges her love of pets in this start of a new romance series focused on pet owners who all meet at the same vet.

Brilliant defense attorney, Finn Morgenstern, knows the worst guys pay best, so defending slimeball, Rance Franklin, becomes his path to senior partner and a whole lot of benefits. But then a walk home to his pricey townhouse brings him face-to-ears with a batshit-crazy little dog who just won’t leave him alone. So Finn takes the dog to the local veterinarian to find out how to get her back to her owners.

Hello vet!

Emerson “Em” Fairweather sure doesn’t match his stodgy name. Tall, platinum blond, and gorgeous, Em puts the pet in pet ownership. But Em has ugly secrets and Batshit dog is up to her ears in larceny. Suddenly Finn is the one who needs defending, and he’s faced with a choice between what he thought was important and a whole new batshit-crazy life.


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