I wanted to post the names of the winners from The Romance Studio in this blog but i haven’t heard back from them yet. I’m guessing with the holiday, a lot of people may not be checking their email. But if i don’t hear by Friday, i’ll draw new names!

Meanwhile, in the US we are celebrating Thanksgiving. This is a holiday with a dubious historical past but has today evolved into a very nice tradition — stopping to recognize those things and people for which we are most thankful. And i would like to say that i am thankful for you. At the beginning of this year, i was a brand new author with my first published ebook proudly released on Jan 4. I was unknown and knew nothing. Unlike many fiction writers, i hadn’t been planning to write a romance novel most of my life, so i was unprepared.

Then you guys came into my life. One at a time, little by little. You have encouraged me, kept me going when i’ve felt like it was too much work, supported me. You’ve been cheerleaders and promoters and … readers. You  make it worthwhile.

Now, eleven months later i am anticipating my sixth published book with two more in the hopper and plot bunnies leaping around in my head. I’m still a relative unknown, but little things happen. A great review, a new person who emails me and asks to be on the mail list, a reader who stands in the lobby of a hotel when he hears my name and says, “Oh, it’s an honor, really.” These things flabbergast me but you make them all possible.

I hope each of you receives all the  blessings there are this season and always. You are a blessing to me. I am thankful. Happy holiday!  :  )