Knight of Ocean Avenue 400x600Hi — So glad to see you! First let me mention that if you haven’t entered to win a $25 GC in my Blog tour for KNIGHT OF OCEAN AVENUE, click HERE and do it now.

I’m having one of the happiest weeks ever. LOL. My new release, KNIGHT OF OCEAN AVENUE, is a bestseller. The book has been somewhere between #2 and #4 in gay romance on Amazon since it released on May 1st (ranking in the 600s) and has been #1 on the whole site bestseller list at All Romance for the last several days. It’s also getting an amazing number of wonderful reviews. (Thank yooouuu!) and you know what most of those reviews say? They say the book is sweet!

This always cracks me up. I think i’m dealing with important subjects and subjecting my heroes to torturous angst — and my readers say it’s sweet! LOL. My books have very graphic love scenes. Heck, i’m one of the few authors who describes orgasms in detail. Readers still tell me how sweet it is. *bangs head on desk*.

Jen said, “This story was a absolutely enchanting journey of Billy discovering his true sexually at the age of 25 and how he and Shaz meet and fall in love. The warm-fuzzies will be slapping you in the face at every turn and I found myself with a huge, silly grin on my face many, many times as I read this. Incredibly low angst, this is a perfect book for anyone who needs an easy, feel-good book to pull them out of a crappy mood. Bonus points for the hot sex!!”

Carly said, “I adored this story! It warmed my insides like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day. Billy is sweet, caring, selfless and Knight Of Ocean Avenue - Teaser 1captivated by Shaz. Shaz is bright and outgoing, with a zest for life that shakes the world as Billy knows it to the core. In a classic case of opposites attracting, Billy and Shaz generate a natural chemistry together that lights up the page. Tara Lain paints an Americanesque landscape as the background of her captivating new series and nestles her imperfect characters into the story seamlessly. KNIGHT OF OCEAN AVENUE’s entire cast of characters kept a smile to my face for days and I’m eagerly anticipating future stories from Laguna!”

And there are dozens and dozens more. I love every one. and i surrender to being sweet! I even describe my books that way these days. I think it has to do with a personal optimism and a deep and abiding belief in what my friend Amy Lane calls Twue Wuv. I’ve been lucky enough to have that in my life and i want to give it to all my heroes. I also remember days when gay men could be fired with impunity, ostracized and discriminated against, and even killed with no one raising a hand or voice to say no. Not on my pages! My guys get a happy ever after that lasts and love that’s as true as i can make it.

Romance novels aren’t like life in so many ways. Few men look as perfect as some of my beautiful boys, and sex is seldom as clean and easy as it is in books. But every guy has the chance to be someone’s hero. And love is love is love. Don’t tell me it isn’t as real in life as it is in my books because i’ll tell you i know it is. And if i get to keep dishing it out, i’ll even be happy to be sweet! LOL

Thank you so much for helping to make this such a grand and memorable week! : )