Hi everyone–

As promised, here is a report in from RT in Chicago. I’m having a great time and sooo busy. We kicked off the conference on Wednesday with our 10 author workshop organized by Caitlyn Willows called Pimp Your Badge. Readers were invited to come in and use the glue, glitter and gee gaws we provided to decorate their badges. They also got to win prizes by answering wonderfully embarrassing questions. Boxers, briefs or commando? We had 7 tables of 10 and the room was filled to capacity. We had as much fun as the readers and they had to drag us all out of there under protest because no one wanted to leave.

Highlights from today included a workshop called How to Write Hot without Getting Burned that i got to participate in with friend authors, Belinda McBride, Lynn Lorenz, Z A Maxfield and Samantha Kane. I also met some new friends at Club RT and then we all capped off the day with the big eBook Fair. I was thrilled to have so many people come by and say they loved my books–and i sold a bunch too.

The very best part of RT is seeing friends and making new ones. I’m so happy to be hanging out with Lynn, ZAM, Belinda, Jianne Carlo, TA Chase, Damon Suede, Trace Edward Zaber, Louisa Bacio and many others.

Here is a peek at the beautiful banner Etopia Press created for its authors, You’ll see Volley Balls snuggled in there. Thank you Annie!

Tomorrow is the fun workshop for new authors called Newby Do; How New Authors Can Find a Publisher and an Audience. I’m presenting that with Cassandra Carr and Daisy Harris. It’s been fun planning it and I’ll let you know how it all turns out.

That’s all for now. Going to hit the bed soon and get ready for another busy day tomorrow. Talk soon.  :  )