
Are you Planner Crazy? Like most people these days, my life is largely digital. I carry my phone everywhere, track my life on an Apple watch, and read books on various Kindles. But my one exception is my calendar. I’ve always liked being able to spread out my calendar ro see a week at a time and flip pages back and forth. I used to carry a small pocket calendar in my purse to keep appointments (still do), but all my massive list of blog posts and book deadlines, and birthdays, wound up in three or four different documents — some of them just scraps of paper.

Then, a few months ago, i saw a post from my friends Charlier Cochet and Poppy Dennison about their huge love of planners. They had both just bought a new planner and were all about decorating it. Well, i was sucked in! Before i wrote books all the time, i used to do mixed-media collage, so i adore decorating and embellishing things. the idea of having a master planner where i could record everything from goals to events to writing deadlines really appealed to me. So i plunged and ordered the planner — pink of course. Ever since, i’ve been having a ball. I have decorative tape and colored pens and stickers, stickers, stickers! Everything goes into my planner.

The beginning of March, i’m flying to Florida for the Dreamspinner Author Workshop — and both Charlie and Poppy will be there with planners in hand! I can’t wait to learn all their secrets. What about you? Do you love planners? Have any tips for me?  LOL

Thanks so much for stopping by! My next release is Taylor Maid, a fun, frothy, champagne cocktail of a book, that releases March 1st. You can see an excerpt and pre-order links HERE.