Hi everyone– Please welcome my guest Malia Mallory. Malia has a hot new book for us to check out! Don’t you love the cover? And a free story for everyone! Just scroll down for the link. Here’s Malia —

Five Tips for the Perfect Romantic Gesture

Thank you Tara for hosting me today!
Romantic gestures are things you do to show your partner that you are thinking about him/her and also a way to show affection. The great thing is that a little goes a long way toward keeping that special connection alive. Thoughtful gestures can even stoke the fire into flames.
1. Touch. It’s easy sometimes to let distance come between us. Make a special effort to hold hands while walking. Give a kiss – a real kiss, not just a peck on the cheek, when saying hello or goodbye. Wake up a few minutes early and engage in a nice morning snuggle.
2. Communicate. Tell your partner how you feel and not just in intimate moments. Write down a heartfelt sentiment. Slip it into a place where it is sure to be found. This can be a post-it on the bathroom mirror or a card in a briefcase. How about sending an intimate text or leaving a suggestive voicemail?
3. Do Something Special. A special or unexpected action can be lovely. You know your significant other’s preferences. Make a special trip to the bakery for that well-loved pie. Cook a favorite meal. Indulge in an activity that your partner enjoys, but maybe you don’t. Do a little pampering by giving a massage.
4. Surprise. There’s nothing like the element of surprise to create a spark. Plan a romantic weekend getaway. Present your partner with a thoughtful gift like a cd of a favorite artist or tickets to a show. Have a picnic.
5. Celebrate. Don’t wait for a holiday or a big promotion. Celebrate today. Make plans to meet for lunch during the week. Break out that special bottle of wine. Make a reservation at a nice restaurant.
I think the theme of these tips is not to settle into a rut. Be mindful. Be considerate. Let your partner know how much you appreciate having him or her in your life in small ways every day.
What’s your favorite romantic gesture?
Blurb for His Desire, Her Surrender

Tabitha Quinn’s Hawaii vacation was anything but ordinary. Dominant billionaire Marcus Granger saved her life, swept her into his bed, and then left her heartbroken. Now she’s back in New York, mourning the man she’s sure she’ll never see again.
Marcus may have left handprints on her skin, but Tabitha’s left handprints on his heart: he tracks her down, and they resume the sizzling affair they began in the islands.
Tabitha belongs to Marcus body and soul in bed, but she worries she doesn’t belong in his high-stakes world. They’ve already dodged a murder attempt, and now Marcus is fighting off a competitor’s takeover. When the rival company obtains critical information, suspicion falls on Tabitha. She has to prove she’s innocent–and worthy to wear Marcus’s collar.
Excerpt from His Desire, Her Surrender

Marcus tapped his stomach. “I don’t know about you, but I’m getting hungry. If you fix something, I’ll reward you later. Deal?”
“Sure.” Tabitha pulled chicken from the refrigerator as Marcus left her to find her way around the kitchen. She planned to cook something quick and easy on the stovetop. She located onions, chopped them and tossed them into a sauté pan. Further searching turned up rice and spices. A little saffron and cardamom and she’d have something tasty.
Once everything was in the pan, she tracked down the makings of a salad. That would do, she thought, chicken and rice with salad. Simple but appetizing.
As she set the table, Marcus reappeared, towels in hand. “I thought you might want one for sitting.” He spread one on the chair at the head of the table and the other on the chair to the side.
Tabitha handed Marcus the salad bowl. “This whole nudity thing. I’m not sure if I’d get used to it. Might get chilly.”
Marcus stole a carrot slice out of the salad and tossed it in his mouth. “I imagine so. But it can be a fun change of pace.”
“Yes.” Tabitha brought the chicken and rice to the table, and they settled in.
Marcus gazed on the food with appreciation. “This is great. I’m starving.”
“I hope you like it. I make it quite often.”
Marcus placed one hand on her thigh as he took a bite with the other.
Tabitha’s fork stopped in mid-air as heat flooded her. She was glad for the towel underneath her. The last thing she wanted was to stain the upholstery.
Marcus massaged her skin and slid his hand between her thighs.
Tabitha set down her fork. “Marcus!”
He continued eating. “Yes?”
“I can’t eat when you do that.”
“You can’t?” He took another bite of chicken, clearly enjoying it. His fingers searched her intimate recesses.
Tabitha pursed her lips, displaying an amused frown. “No. I’m too distracted.”
“Mmm. That is unfortunate. This meal is wonderful.”
“It’s hard to think about eating right now.”
Marcus maintained his innocent air while he explored her moistening skin. “Really? I’m having no trouble at all.” He ingested another bite.
Malia Mallory Biography

Malia Mallory lives in Hawaii with her husband and daughter. She’s been working with words since alphabet blocks rolled into her crib, not only writing her own work but copy editing and proofreading the work of others. She has loved to read about relationships since she first sneaked off with her mother’s Harlequin.
Malia Mallory is the best-selling author of The ABCs of Erotica series, which covers the erotic spectrum from BDSM to ménage and everything in between. More releases in the series are on the way. She has also released the Mia’s Cop Craving series and Santa’s Backdoor Baby. Malia’s books have hit the bestselling erotica lists at both Amazon and iTunes. Her books are available in electronic format at major retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, Sony, Diesel, Smashwordsand AllRomance Books.
For a free copy of B is for Beach from The ABCs of Erotica, head to her website and sign up for the newsletter at http://www.maliamallory.com/Join_My_Mailing_List.php.
Connect with Malia Mallory
Buy Links –
Barnes & Noble – http://bit.ly/12x8AdD
Smashwords – http://bit.ly/YeilF7

All Romance – http://bit.ly/12x8HGa
Thank you all for coming by and special thanks to Malia for being my guest. Be sure to download your free story!  See you soon. : )