Of Cats, Dogs, and Contracts

by Nov 3, 2011News, The Aloysius Tales

Hi everyone–

In all the excitement over the great reviews for Golden Dancer and the release of Deceptive Attraction (Squeeeee!!!!) i got even more good news. My paranormal M/M romance was accepted for publication by Loose Id. Happy DANCE!!

All my books are dear to my heart, but this one has that extra — whisker! Because it’s got Aloysius — the Spell Cat! Spell Cat is the story of Killian Barth, the most powerful male witch in 20 generations, who has to marry and produce children to save his race. One prob — Killian is gay. And there’s this physics professor … Anyway, Killian’s partner in all things is the powerful familiar who looks like a black cat, Aloysius.

I love cats. My dad used to say anyone who didn’t like cats was a rat in a previous incarnation!  Maybe not so bad as all that. But i had one kitty or another most of my life. Then we discovered that my husband is allergic to cats– hmmm, that’s why he was sneezing all those years! Poor guy. So when our last kitty passed from old age we didn’t get another. No pets for years.

Then …we went with my father-in-law who wanted to get a rescue dog. This was a long and grand story that is funny in the telling but to make it short, we wound up with a dog and my father-in-law shares in her babysitting. But oddly enough, she is like half cat. She is a papillon and they say these dogs are very feline. She washes her face like a cat, pounces like a cat — but sadly barks like a yappy pappy. My husband and i both adore her. We are wrapped around her paw and she rules the house — yep, just like a cat!

Spell Cat should be released in the early spring. I’ll keep you up to date, of course. And my papillon is playing today at a puppy toy near me.


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