ffbe502af9637253a54f85f2ad48e059Hi —

On July 2nd, i’ll be unveiling the cover of KNAVE OF BROKEN HEARTS, my next new release that will be coming out on AUGUST 3RD! Would you like to participate in my Blog Tour? If you have a blog, even if you’ve never done a tour, it might be fun. All you have to do is sign up HERE . When you sign up, you pick a date. The person who runs my blog tours, Vivianna Izzo, will contact you and give you everything you need to post. She’ll even give you HTML code you can just copy into the text setting on your blog.

In addition, if you’d like to review the book, just contact me at tara at taralain dot com and as soon as i get the ARC, i will send you a copy. BUT, if you take the ARC, you must guarantee you’ll review the book — preferably on Amazon — but any reseller like B&N, ARe, etc. will be fine. And on your own blog if you hav one.

Okay. We always have a wonderful lineup of bloggers for the tours, but it would be fun to add some new faces. So if you’d like to join in, we’d love to have you.

Either way, watch for the fantastic cover of KNAVE OF BROKEN HEARTS coming next week. Pre-orders will also start on that day. People who’ve read this book really love it. In fact, some of them like it better than any other book!!  Get ready. KNAVE is Coming. : )