Hi everyone–

The title of this blog post is what a lot of people ask me, so i thought i would share my WIPs. This past Saturday, i turned in my current work in progress. It’s the fourth book in the Genetic Attraction Series. It’s called Genetic Celebrity and it is scheduled to come out on July 24th.Genetic Celebrity is a menage about the relationship between three very unlikely lovers. It’s part of Loose Id’s special Pick Your Pleasure series and the pleasure is…FOOD!

Of course, before that on June 1st is Beach BallsBeach Balls is number three in the Balls to the Wall Series. An enemies to lovers story, it takes place in and around the water with some pretty exciting stuff occurring UNDER the water.

Continuing the series idea, the next book i’m going to write is the second in the Aloysius Tales Series. It will follow Spell Cat. The heroes are both in Spell Cat but they are minor characters. They will come into their own in this book and of course, Aloysius will play his important part! I’m just plotting this book right now. I am not a big plotter, but i do think my way through a story so i know generally what the high points are and how it will end. Then i start writing. I will likely format the book this week–BUT i don’t have a title yet and titles are so important to me. I’m hoping inspiration will strike soon!

After this book, I will likely plunge into another book in the same series as Sinders and Ash. Like Sinders, it will be based on a fairy tale trope but it will be a serious contemporary gay romance. I’ve got an idea and am just starting the plotting. I expect Mr. Pennymaker to show up in this story too.

And i know a lot of people are waiting to see if Jerry from Fire Balls will get his own story. If you’re a Jerry fan (he’s easy to like), be happy because he will get a book of his own. I don’t have all the details yet, but i do know the main characters. Of course, that will be Book 4 in the Balls to the Wall Series.

I think it’s amazing that i somehow have gone from writing my first book which was published in January 2011 to creating 4 Series! I also have a very developed idea for a science fiction romance, but it’s pretty unlikely it will get written before 2013 because the Series are calling!

So there you are. As someone said, writers never take a vacation. We’re either writing a book or thinking about the next book we will write. I’m in the thinking stage. Writing stage is coming up soon! Thanks so much for visiting the blog. Join my mail list if you haven’t already (see the top of the right hand column) And be sure and visit the Author Blog for a GREAT erotic romance Blog Hop starting on Thursday!