Hi everyone–
As you know, i leave for the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention (RT) on Tuesday this week . On Thursday, RT is having the Digital Expo where digital first authors sell and sign their books, give away goodies and generally have fun meeting their readers. This year, RT is taking the Expo global. We don’t know what the specials and surprises are going to be yet. We won’tr know until right before the Expo. But make sure you’re signed up for ARe so you can buy stuff because i imagine there may be good deals. If you’re at the Convention then just come find me at my table. If you’re not there, below is what RT says you should do. Remember, the times they give are in Kansas City so adjust accordingly.

You’ll see an icon on this blog in the right corner. During the Expo, you should be able to click on that to

access my books on specials they may be having. Buyers can also click on my QR code to get to the books they want. Remember, nothing will be on special until the Expo i imagine.  : )

Mark Your Calendar for the RT EXPO on May 2  from 4 to 6pm and join in the virtual EXPO event!
THIS YEAR THE RT EXPO IS GOING GLOBAL! ARe is the official bookseller for RT’s Expo and this year we are making the book lover event global so that everyone from home can participate. Join in the fun by visiting this page on May 2 from 4pm to 6pm and attend the virtual event! Just click on any author’s name and it will take you to their unique author page on All Romance e-Books website where you can begin purchasing. We recommend that, if you do not already have an account with ARe, you set one up before the EXPO begins on May 2 to make your purchasing easy on the day of the event. We will be tweeting and Facebooking from the hotel with a live feed so feel free to join in the fun!