DrivenSnow-400x600Hi —

Dreamspinner Press has such great sales and this one is no exception. Twenty-five percent OFF on every book in the store — including paperbacks! That means all my DsP books are 25% off including the pre-order for my upcoming release DRIVEN SNOW. Here are the links for both the ebook and the paperback.



Here’s the blurb —

Young Snowden “Snow” Reynaldi is brilliant, beautiful, and alone. Though he’s shy, weird, and tolerated Teaser #5 - Driven Snowby the NorCal University students because he’s a renowned whiz at chess and helps put the school on the map, t that doesn’t keep him from dreaming of the object of his desires, Riley Prince, championship quarterback.

 When Riley needs a physics’ tutor, Snow jumps at the chance, and their relationship heats up—but Riley has to come out of the jock closet to get anywhere. Meanwhile, Snow’s one true friend and mentor, Professor Kingsley, marries a woman who secretly wants the chess tournament glory and money for herself. Soon after, the professor collapses and Snow finds himself underwater—literally. In a car!

 Seven frat brothers from Grimm College rescue Snow just in time for his life to get even worse, and Snow discovers the one relationship he always wanted slipping away. With evil looming at every turn, Snow must survive if only to prove he’s the fairest of them all and regain the trust of his handsome prince.

This book has been getting wonderful reviews from advance readers. Here are a few comments —

Teaser #3 - Driven Snow“This was another fantastic ready by Tara Lain. She is one of my all time favorites when it comes to m/m romance. She really knows how to suck you into a story and make you feel as if you are a part of it.

This book was so easy to fall in love with the characters. They have so much depth to them. They are not one dimensional characters but have so many characteristics to them that make them seem so real that they practically jump off the page.”

“This book delivers exactly what you would expect from a Tara Lain story. Wonderful Characters, plenty of problems, interesting relationships, good sex scenes and, in the case of her Pennymaker Tales, a wonderful twist on a traditional fairytale. Snow and Riley really make the book with their wonderful dialogue but I will admit I loved the frat brothers a lot. I hope that Tara intends to use them in future books.”

“Snowden Reynaldi is pure entertainment…. he is now one of my top 5 characters! I love the development of both Snow and Riley. They don’t rush into anything… This is a great take on a fairy tale romance!”

Thanks so much to everyone who is saying such nice things about the book! It’s my Thanksgiving gift — coming Nov 25th! And right now DRIVEN SNOW by Tara Lain is 25% OFF at Dreamspinner :  )