Hi everyone–

The winners! The people selected for prizes in the second (and last) week of the Fire Balls Blog Tour Contest are… Renee Shook who won a $10. Amazon GC and Cinderella who won a copy of Fire Balls. Congratulations WINNERS. I’m waiting to hear back from them to deliver their prizes.

Thank you everyone for playing Blog Tour with me. And most of all, thank you for making Fire Balls such a big success. As i write this, Fire Balls is still shifting between #3 and #4 on the Amazon Gay Romance Bestseller list. It has been in the top five for over two weeks and was number one for several days. It also briefly made the Top 10 at All Romance eBooks and was the bestselling contemporary romance at ARe for many days. Fire Balls success has also restimulated interest in Volley Balls which is now in the top 25 Gay Romance bestsellers again as it was when it released last year. VERY exciting.

While i keep happy dancing about Fire Balls, i also want to tell you that my next book, Spell Cat, will be out March 20. Here’s a little blurb–

When Killian Barth, history professor, meets Blaine Genneau, quantum physicist, they ignite their own big bang. But sadly, Killian walks away because he doesn’t do physics professors. In fact, he doesn’t do humans, because Killian is the most powerful male witch in 10 generations and, though gay, he’s expected to save his declining race by reproducing. Sex with humans depletes his power he’s been taught. Then why can young human, Jimmy Janx, dissolve spoons with a thought? Somebody’s a lying witch. With his powerful cat familiar, Aloysius, on his shoulder, Killian brings the lightning against deceit and greed to save Blaine from danger and prove love is the greatest power of them all.

As you probably know, Spell Cat is my first paranormal romance and i’m very excited about it. We’ll be doing a contest but it will be a little different. More to come on that.
Are you in a VOTING MOOD? Two of my books, Genetic Attraction and The Scientist and the Supermodel, are nominated for Book of the Year at Long and Short Reviews. If you have a minute to vote, would you go over?  http://www.longandshortreviews.com/promo.htm I would much appreciate it. 

Thank you so much for coming by the blog!