Knight of Ocean Avenue 400x600Hi — This is really a week for happy dancing. After i shared that CANNING THE CENTER is an Honorable Mention in the Rainbow Awards (this means it received at least one high judges score and the actual winners will be determined in December) I discovered that KNIGHT OF OCEAN AVENUE is also an Honorable Mention!  Yahoooo!

Here’s what one of the judges said —

“Billy and Shaz were fantastic. They pulled me in and held my attention. This is a feel-good story. It made me happy to read this book and left me feeling happy when I was done. I really liked it.

I always enjoy reading Tara Lain’s stories and this one was no exception. I loved the characters and the Knight Of Ocean Avenue - Teaser 1story line and the writing style is very easy to read. I’m looking forward to reading the next book.

This book has just the right amount of everything: balanced characters and smooth original story that will gift a reader with a fun relaxing time. ”

This is so cool! Thank you to everyone who has made this book a favorite!! : )