Hi — I often say i write the Beautiful Boys of Romance. My readers feed that back to me by talking about my beautiful boys. So who are these guys? Tara Lain’s Beautiful Boys are a little hard to describe, but people say they know them when they see them. Are they really “boys”? Not truly. Yes, my heroes are young, most under 30, but they’re still men, even the college students. But they’re boys in the sense that we think of them affectionately, want to give them hugs — or more than that if they weren’t all gay! LOL. Are they beautiful? YES! On the inside, at the very least. Even my quirky, funny, and in one case ugly heroes have beautiful qualities that make them memorable and lovable. Frequently, they’re also physically beautiful, sometimes almost supernaturally so.
So boys in the sense of huggable, beautiful on many levels — what else? Charismatic. Even in my menage series in which heroines play key roles, my heroes stand out for their uniqueness and memorability. Readers say there are no other guys quite like them. They almost always have faults and quirks that make them human and relatable. They also have great strengths that they sometimes only come to realize in the course of the stories.
Famously, many of my beautiful boys are flamboyant. When i started writing at the beginning of 2011, it was rare to see gay male characters
that acted –well, gay. Gay heroes at the time tended to be “straight guys who happened to have sex with men”. Not that all gay men are flamboyant or over the top, but some are. It’s a quality i happen to value and love to write, so i’d say close to a third of my heroes have a queenly edge.
Quite important, almost all my heroes are driven to live an authentic life — sometimes from the beginning of the book, or at least before the end. Authenticity appears to be my underlying theme that drives most of my stories.
Do you have any thoughts on the Beautiful Boys of Romance? Who do you think they are?
Thank you for coming by!! Prince of the Playhouse comes out on April 4th and is avaialable everywhere for pre-order NOW.