Yoga in Outer Space!! Oh my. It’s my delight to welcome new friend and fellow Loose Id author, Jan Irving, to the blog to help launch her new release, Loving Kindness. You’ll find this package of deliciousness HERE. 
Jan has combined one of my favorite subjects — yoga — with a wonderful, erotic outer-space adventure. Here’s a description:

Kealton James has possibly the most beautiful body Gwendolyn Thompson has ever seen-no wonder he does katas in the nude, flaunting himself–but that doesn’t change the fact the man is keeping secrets. Anyone with any experience with alliance agents can tell he is not who he seems to be, mild mannered martial arts teacher aboard the Loving Kindness, an interstellar cruise ship.
Kealton mocks Gwen about the way she lives her life,a perky cruise director with a thing for professional suits and the occasional tepid affair with gentlemen passengers. Gwen likes her life, likes it predictable and more importantly, under her control. But despite how much Gwen tries to keep Kealton at a distance, when pirates take over their ship, her warrior keeps Gwen safe and gives her a taste of his own loving kindness.

Here are some comments from Jan and an excerpt from this exciting new release:

I’m taking a yoga nidra workshop right now and it spurred on thoughts about what is inspiration, what is it to be on the right path? Unlike regular yoga where after months of doing a pose like bound ankle, you can measure progress, you can basically fall forward farther, yoga nidra gets to the heart of meditation, the mind, the spirit, so it’s not so much a linear progression, but something that goes deeper than even the muse state I enter when I’m working on a chapter for one of my books.

Images are used as a tool, like a rising moon, a barren field, a hot desert wind, a snowcapped mountain… contrasting and hitting the waking dreamer, keeping you in the present moment as they wash over you.

Like yoga nidra, I think writing stories where you aren’t sure exactly why you choose to do them, only that you need to express them is the right path. With Loving Kindness, I found myself wanting to write something that was a sexy romp, but also explore a deeply sensual world. My heroine Gwen is a repressed person who has cut herself off from love but slowly the hero, who teaches yoga as well as martial arts, encourages Gwen to let go, to be the woman she was meant to be. He even teaches her sword play so that she earns her own katana.

Excerpt from Loving Kindness:

Kneel.” Kealton’s voice was hard, inflexible. Testing Gwen, seeing if she was ready to be his submissive.
Oddly, his confidence in being her master made it easier. Gwen knelt and waited on him. Kealton continued to move around the great room, doing his martial arts routine. When he finished he turned at last and tugged his silken pants down and off, revealing himself to her completely.
Gwen’s breath suspended so all she was aware of was the drum of her heart as she looked at him. She was back to the night when she’d first watched him doing katas in the nude. His blue eyes were almost black under the artificial lighting as he walked to her, his cock hard and unsubtle between his legs.
Kealton loomed over her deliberately, looking at her until she dropped her gaze. Moments passed. She was aware of the rise and fall of her bare breasts with each breath, aware of the moisture slickening her channel and the pain of need at the thought of him touching her there.
I think some yoga first.”
Gwen’s gaze shot up to meet Kealton’s. His face was flushed, his pupils enlarged, giving his eyes the look of a bird of prey from a menagerie on one of the zoo worlds.
The cat, let’s see it.”
More testing and…something else: the reason he’d taken the time to brew her the special tea. He wanted her relaxed, in the mood.
Yes, master,” she whispered.
She moved onto all fours and with an indrawn breath began the movements he’d taught her months ago, jutting out her buttocks, dropping her belly and raising her chin like a stretching cat.
He watched her, expressionless, and with the cool air against her skin, touching her between her legs where she was damp with desire for him, she was aware of how sexual the asana was. How had she never seen this before? But as she curved her spine, head down, back stretching, she could smell her own excitement. Surely if she caught it, he could smell her too.
She closed her eyes, surrendering to the moment, to the breath. She could feel his gaze on her like a hand and then she felt a real caress as he cupped her bare ass approvingly. “This makes your master want to fuck you.”
She wondered if he’d thought that when he’d taught her the position. When he grazed her warm cheek, she knew he had. Somehow he was reading her thoughts as he read her body.
Bound ankle.”
Moving gracefully—was this really her?—she shifted into position, legs bent and soles together, hands cupping her ankles as she bent forward.
He sat down behind her and she felt his cock, hot and wet-tipped, as it inscribed a half-circle against her lower back.
Kealton…” she breathed.
He reached between her legs and cupped her, giving her a gentle squeeze and then leaving his hand there while she continued to stretch and breathe and try to relax. She felt herself naturally enfolding his fingers, making his hand slick.
Spread your legs, lean back against me.” This wasn’t yoga now, this was a place she’d never gone before, a place where Kealton was her lover, her master.
Find Loving Kindness here on the Loose Id website:
Jan Irving has worked in all kinds of creative fields, from painting silk to making porcelain ceramics, to interior design, but writing was always her passion. She feels you can’t fully understand characters until you follow their journey through a story world. Many kinds of worlds interest her, fantasy, historical, science fiction and suspense—but all have one thing in common, people finding a way to live together—in the most emotional and erotic fashion possible, of course.
To see more of Jan’s work go to: