Hi everyone– I hope you enjoyed the Colors of the Rainbow Blog Hop. Karl was the winner of his choice of any of my LGBT books — which means all of them except one. LOL Congratulations Karl. And i hope everyone downloaded a copy of Love You So Hard, my FREE novella. You can scroll down to the next blog post for the link.

Now that we’ve celebrated Gay Pride, here’s our Davey to tell us how to survive it — the glitter and naked men variety, that is. Enjoy!

BTW, i am designing a new website (well, Lex is designing it and i’m putting in content) that will have it’s own blog. I’ll be consolidating my blogs so i hope you’ll watch for the chance to hook up with the new Tara Lain blog on my soon-to-be unveiled new website. I can’t wait to show it to you. As Davey would say, Peace Out! : )