News, Reviews and Deals

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Top 10 Great Dance Movies and Scenes

Hi there. I'm currently writing the second book in my Dangerous Dancers series and it got me thinking about Great Dance Movies. What are your faves? Most of my favorites are right on this list, so i'm sharing it with you. I want to mention that my new book, BEAUTY,...

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BEAUTY is Coming from Tara Lain!

Hi -- Are you one of the many who love Beauty and the Beast? Well BEAUTY is coming from Tara Lain. I don't think i realized when i chose to do a modern retelling of this fairy tale -- my story is called BEAUTY,INC.-- how many people love it. I also didn't know that...

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Tara Lain’s First French Novel is RELEASED!

Hi -- I told you about my first ever novel translated into French Knight of Ocean Avenue. Well, it just released in France! During pre-order it actually made the Top 100 books in the French Kindle store. We'll see how it does now that it's released. I'm so excited to...

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Countries with the Top 10 Most Beautiful Men

Happy Memorial Day to those in the US and happy weekend to all. Let's celebrate with some eye candy, okay? Obviously, the person who compiled this list has a "type" and it's clearly represented in this list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Men.  Tall, dark and handsome....

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Top 10 Sexiest Mainstream Movies

Hi! For the beginning of our US holiday weekend, i thought we could anticipate some sexy movie viewing! I know we're more likely to see the newest action adventure, so i'm providing snippets of the Top 10 Sexiest Mainstream Movies for your viewing pleasure. Do you...

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