News, Reviews and Deals

New and upcoming titles, reviews, deals, recommendations and more

Girl Crush — Adam Lambert and Leona Lewis

Hi -- Before i get to Adam Lambert and Leona Lewis, you probably know if you've been anywhere near the blog, I have a new book that just came out that's been tearing up the bestseller lists at Amazon. ARe and more. It's LORD OF A THOUSAND STEPS and if you'd like to...

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Released! LORD OF A THOUSAND STEPS by Tara Lain. Prizes!

Hi and thank you for joining me for the Blog tour for my new release, LORD OF A THOUSAND STEPS. This book is a great favorite of mine for many reasons, one of which is that it takes place on and near Thousand Steps Beach in Laguna Beach, CA. where my husband proposed...

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Big Backlist Weekend! ZA Maxfield & Tara Lain. Free Books

Welcome to Big Backlist Weekend!! ZA Maxfield & Tara Lain. This is a special event I post every month or so where i ask a wonderful author to come and join me in giving away a copy of an ebook from their backlist. My guest today is Z. A. Maxfield who is A. a...

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Dream On! The Voice Judges Knock It Our of the Park

Hi -- Did you see this teaser for The Voice which showed after the Olympics last Sunday? Dream On! The Voice Judges Knock it Out of the Park. I was so blown away, i've watched it several times since then. I love the song, but who would have ever dreamed that the...

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