Hi -- Just want to let everyone know that Dreamspinner Press is having a 25% OFF Sale on the Whole Store through the 24th!! That means ebooks and print. Dreamspinner Books 25% Off. Pretty great time to snap up titles you've wanted from some of those great Dreamspinner...
News, Reviews and Deals
New and upcoming titles, reviews, deals, recommendations and more10 Absolutely TRUE Facts –That Aren’t!
Hi-- I just got back from RT in Las Vegas, i just finished a fabulous Blog Tour, I've launched 2 new books (Prince of the Playhouse and Golden Dancer) and i'm in the home stretch on my first cowboy romance that needs to be done in a week!! Whew. I'm tired! So, i...
#RT16 Blew Us Away!
Hi -- Despite feeling crappy most of the week -- Las Vegas smoke and noise don't agree with me much -- I've got to say it was an incredible #RT16. Literally thousands of people lined the halls -- mostly sitting on the floors -- so they wouldn't miss a second of their...
I’m so happy to let you know that one of my personal favorite books, TACKLING THE TIGHT END is Audio along with the other Long Pass Chronicles books!
Hi -- I'm at #RT16 and i want to remind you to enter to win a $25 GC to Amazon in my Prince of the Playhouse Blog Tour! Click HERE. Also, today is the first official early download day for my romantic suspense, GOLDEN DANCER. If you'd like to read this book now...
35 Fantastic Titles for $1.00 Each! #RTSpecial
Hi -- I have to let you know that Dreamspinner Press is having an amazing sale celebrating all of its authors who will be at RT in Las Vegas this week. They have put 35 titles by about 34 or so authors on sale for $1.00 -- both at Dreamspinner and at Amazon! My book,...
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Become a part of HEA, Magic and Beautiful Boys, the Tara Lain Reader Group! Share your love of Tara Lain books with other readers around the world.