Hi and welcome to the re-release of one of my favorite novellas, Snow Balls. This book has been called charming, sweet, and very funny, as well as romantic. I hope you enjoy it. and be sure to enter to win the Amazon GC on Rafflecopter. Hugs — Tara
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Snow Balls
(Balls to the Wall Series, #4)
By Tara Lain
JJ LaRousse looks like a quarterback but acts like a queen. He’s trying to be proud of who he is—until a robbery at the famous Laguna Winter Fantasy brings JJ face-to-face with tough cop Ryan Star. JJ hears Ryan likes manly men, so he drops his voice an octave, colors his pink hair, and tries to pass as a football fan.
Ryan Star may be tough, but he keeps his sexuality to himself at work. He learned in New York that being a gay cop can be deadly. His attraction to JJ threatens his secret, but he’s finding it hard to back away from a guy who’s so totally his type. Then, during a ski trip and a confrontation with JJ’s biggest nemesis, all the façades come crashing down. In the aftermath, can Ryan love JJ for who he really is? More importantly, can JJ?
wearing a phony beard, but he had black stubble on his cheek above it. He had
on sunglasses. Cheap ones. Prada knockoffs you might get on the street in Santa
Ana.” Okay, maybe too much information. “Uh, he was wearing some padding, but I
think he probably had some fat of his own. The elf was skinny. And”—he closed
his eyes and pulled up the picture again—“he had weird eyes.”
scent. He opened them. “I couldn’t see the elf’s hair because he wore a full
wig, but I’ll bet it was red.”
good detective here? “The bigger man spoke to me, and he had an accent of some
but… I know, I think it was like Boston or New England or something. Sort of
higher and nasally.”
had said and where they seemed to be going. He flipped the notebook closed.
“You’ve been extremely helpful. Thank you for your time.”
questions. Is there somewhere I can reach you?”
wrote it in his notebook—on a separate page. Oh my.
question, thank God.
your great help.”
officers gathered at the booth across from JJ’s. The cop’s jeans clung to lean,
muscled thighs, and the tweed sports jacket had an obligatory feel, like maybe
it wasn’t something he wore in his free time. It wasn’t something he should
wear at all. That man needed a dresser. JJ sighed. Fat effing chance it would
be him.
positioning dolls on a snow scene. He glanced up and caught his breath. Star
was staring at him. JJ wanted to fan himself so bad. Man up.
trying to impress this guy? The detective was scary and his job was violent,
two things JJ hated. But there was that second while he was questioning JJ when
Star had looked embarrassed that he’d forgotten to show his credentials. Was
that a hint of the vulnerable man underneath? Naw, he probably just felt
uncomfortable around a creampuff like JJ.
What had he been thinking?
The teams were going to come in now, JJ was pretty sure.
my, the way those narrow butts looked in the tight pants was positively
course. He’s a great leader. Bound to make it to 5000 yards this year.” Oh
sweet god of boys who like to sew, what did any of that mean?
tight end to ever play the game.” He held his breath.
quite a few of those guys look like tight ends.”
laugh. “Yeah. You got that right.”
field. Yep, just like Jerry had said. The guy in the center—the quarterback,
probably—threw the ball. It soared through the air and some lean player caught
it and started running like a son of a bitch. Holy shit. Two guys slammed him to the ground. That looked painful.
JJ resisted the urge to close his eyes. He’d seen football on TV, of course.
His dad had loved it. But JJ’d never paid much attention. In these good seats,
the game was in his face.
including Ryan, moaned. He leaned over to JJ. “That was close.”
the quarterback, calling out numbers. Some big guy in the front line moved. A yellow
cloth flew through the air.
A bunch of stuff happened at once, and JJ couldn’t follow it until everyone on
their side leaped up so he did too. The announcer called “first down,” but it
sure looked like about a hundred guys went down getting there.
after the foul.”
Good Lord, pretending was hard.
the ball a long way. The lean, fast guy ran out and caught the thing, which was
clearly a miracle. He headed down the field like a jackrabbit with a pack of
bulldogs on his heels. Shit, one bulldog came out of nowhere and tackled the
rabbit, and then five other guys piled on. Whistles and yells sounded from
their side and cheers from the other.
pulled off and left the rabbit lying there in a heap. He didn’t get up. Oh no. JJ grabbed Ryan’s arm. “He’s
kid who had just got beaten to a pulp in a stupid game. JJ wanted to jump up
and scream.
collar around the player’s neck, and then they picked him up and put him on the
stretcher. Hell, they didn’t look nearly careful enough. The crowd murmured and
shifted. JJ looked around. They were uncomfortable with his being hurt, but it
didn’t seem like they felt sorry for the player, exactly. It was more like they
wanted to get on with cheering, and this moment of required sympathy was an
JJ’s hand was still locked on Ryan’s forearm. He loosened his fingers. “Sorry.”
and ready to walk and run by the end of the day.”
player who got hurt. He jumped up when Ryan did and cheered in the right
places, but the game had lost its luster. The fun all came from Ryan being next
to him. Having the man so close sent JJ’s dick into a constant state of
anticipation. Lean to the left, lean to
the right, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight. Just like the
cheerleaders at halftime—who could have used a costume redesign, by the way.

love the series tara …congrats
Love the series, so happy it’s continuing!
This one looks really cute- can’t wait to read it!
I’ll have to get this one too!
congrats on the new release