Hi and welcome —

As you might know, i write books with VERY happy endings. My stories are extremely romantic and definitely suggest that my heroes are made for each other. That they have found “The One”.  As i was perusing videos today, i saw one from my fave, Davey Wavey, that said, Disney Lies! He maintains that “The One” is a myth created by Disney which, if applied too liberally, can make us dissatisfied and unhappy. Hmmm. Do i, Queen of Happy endings,  agree?

To a great extent, yes. Davey maintains that there is no One, but rather thousands of ones with which we could be happy. He says the most important part is to love ourselves, respect ourselves, and then bring that whole person to a loving relationship. To that i say Amen!

I believe that we are not one half of a whole and searching for our completion. We’re rather seeking to make ourselves whole, at which point we can offer that wholeness as a complement to someone else. When two people like that come together, it truly can make The One. If we stop searching for some random ideal, and see the perfection in the person we choose to be with, that person becomes The One.

Here is Davey’s take on the subject. Enjoy And if you’d like to see how my heroes find The One, hope over to my Amazon Page and check out the happy ever afters. If you want o Follow me while you’re there, it’s MUCH appreciated. Here’s Davey!

See you soon!