Hi and welcome! Earlier this year, readers were asking me if I was going to write any more Pennymaker Tales. In fact, they were saying puh-leeeez write some more (thank you!). So i went to my Beautiful Dream Team and asked what fairy tales or stories they’d like to see retold as MM contemporary romances. One of my Team suggested Peter Pan. A light went on in my brain, and i had to create the tale of how the clash between the forever young Peter and the forever responsible Wendy would look if those two became two grownup guys named Peter and Wendall.I hope you’ll love the newest excursion of Mr. Pennymaker into love sweet love!
flaming Baryshnikov came a guy as big as a sumo wrestler, wearing tight black
jeans and a T-shirt that strained over the vast expanse of his chest and belly.
Amazing, yes, but who could see him, because above his head, in a position like
some flying ballerina, he held —a guy. What a guy. The boy—he looked to be in
his teens, but then so did Wen, so who knew?—stretched out in the air with his
legs raised and arms in Superman position. He wore black jeans, just as tight
as Sumo Guy’s, and a brilliant green T-shirt that made Wen look at his shock of
hair, so red it could have been painted, and his startling, captivating face.
This had to be a leprechaun or an elf come to life. His wide eyes turned up at
the corners like a cat laughing eternally, and they were so heavily lashed they
looked enhanced with guyliner. His nose turned up, his cheekbones stuck out,
there might be a cleft in his chin, and his mouth curved in a bow. Nothing on
that face should go together—but it came out a frigging masterpiece.
Flying Wallenda act came three more guys, all dressed in black and managing to
represent the ethnic mix of the entire world in their small group. One guy’s
skin was black, and he was so handsome he barely looked real. One of them
appeared to be a mix of African and Asian and something Middle-Eastern
mysterious. One shorter dude must be a variety of Hispanic. Plus Parasol Girl
seemed to be a member of the club.
wide circle as the boy flapped his arms. Then Sumo gave him a little toss,
which made Wen catch his breath. The elf flew up and landed gracefully in Sumo
Guy’s massive arms. He threw back his head, scarlet hair flying, and yelled,
proved to be maybe five foot eight or nine of compact perfection—wide shoulders
for his small size, slim hips, and long legs. He bowed low to the applause of
his band of merry weirdos and turned in a circle. Wen sucked a small breath. Look at that butt. High, round, and
hard—definitely supernatural.
narrow hall to John’s room, opened the door softly, and listened. Just soft
snuffling snores. Good. He closed the
door again, listened at Michaela’s as he walked past but heard no sounds of
anguish or illness. Maybe just a siren
or a truck woke him. Of course, they were all so used to the traffic sounds of
Brooklyn that seemed unlikely. Collapsing on the couch again with a sigh, he
closed his eyes. Need some sleep.
should I do? Someone might be behind the curtains with a gun. No, his
curtains wouldn’t hide a three-year-old. God knew, John had tried.
head, closer to the front door. Damn, I
wish I had a weapon. Without moving his head, he turned his eyes toward the
coffee table. A lazy Susan that Michaela used to help serve sat in the middle.
It was made of some kind of heavy ceramic. That would have to do.
his feet, grabbed the lazy Susan in two hands and leaped forward—
against the wall with his hands lifted to fend off his attacker.
you doing here?” No, wait, wrong
question. “How the hell did you get in here?”
walked over and looked out at the four-story drop—and the old rusty fire escape
that ran beside the window. What the
hell? He stalked back to Peter, grabbed his arm, and pulled him to the
couch. “Sit.”
grabbed their filter pitcher of water and poured two glasses, then carried them
back to the couch. He handed one to Peter. “I figure you need it after your
adventures. How the hell did you get up that fire escape without falling or
ripping the thing off the wall? Fly?”
at bay. “Why did you do it? I’ve asked you to help me. You’ve said no. We have
nothing else to talk about. You put yourself at risk, and you broke into my
house where my kids sleep!”
responsible for them. I have to leave them alone sometimes, and now I find out
that any criminal can waltz up that fire escape and threaten them.”
thing off the wall. I really am a good climber and it’s very high. I think you
and your kids are safe.”
furious, kind of made Wen want to smile.
Want to get these lovelies in paperback?
Sinders and Ash and Beauty, Inc. (Pennymaker Tales)
Available for purchase at
Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Wow, roll on November!
LOL. It was a fun and challenging story to write. Hope you love it. ; )