Fool of Main Beach
When a young actor meets a Sasquatch-sized hero in a pink puffer coat the answer is loveFool of Main Beach
Fool of Main Beach is a MM, opposites-so-far-apart-they-might-as-well-be-on-different-planets attract, world’s colliding, blue-collar lover, saving your sister, desperate for approval romance — with the very best dogs.
How can Merle swim with the sharks when the guy he loves is bait?
Just when Merle’s dreams of finally amazing his intellectual family with his accomplishments as a respected actor are about to manifest – he comes face-to-face with Tom Henry.
Can this guy even be real?
Tom’s as simple and unsophisticated as an angel and totally happy with who he is as long as he can protect his sister and take care of his dogs.
Everyone loves Tom – but “in love” with him? That’s another whole story. Even Tom knows that out of bed the only thing he can do for Merle is wreck his career – and lose his family’s respect.
Merle’s going to have to give up something.
Hey Merle, your money or your heart?
Available in eBook and Paperback
2nd edition
Release Date: November 2, 2020
Tara Lain Books
341 pages
What People Are Saying About Fool of Main Beach

5 Hearts!
Actually, the message I sent to her said: “You’re definitely getting [a review] from me, as soon as I can string a coherent sentence together that consists of more than “ZOMG, TARA LAIN IS THE MOST AMAZING AUTHOR ON THIS PLANET AND YOU MUST BUY ALL HER BOOKS NOW!” Well, okay, I had to fangirl a little. If you’re a fan of her or her books, can you blame me? At any rate, Fool of Main Beach was an excellent addition to the Love in Laguna series, and I definitely recommend reading it as soon as you can.
5 stars!
I love Lain’s Laguna series, and the book that kicked off the series is one of my all time favorites. Her series made it to my top of 2016. With this release, Lain rivals the magic of her first release in the series.
5 stars!
Thanks again, Tara, for characters who break with traditional stereotypes, which makes them even more special.
5 Bookworms!
In the end, this might have moved into the top spot as my favorite in this series so far!
4.5 stars!
I can’t express how much I enjoy Tara Lain’s writing style and how lovable her characters are. I still haven’t read a book of hers yet that I haven’t loved.
5 stars!
Ranks up with top for 2017!
5 stars!
Fool of Main Beach definitely lives up to the standard that’s been set by its predecessors in the series. It holds you captivated, and makes you fall in love and feel happy.
5 Stars!
Great story that made me shed a tear and melted my heart.
5 stars!
I totally recommend this book and this series from Tara Lain. If you are looking for solid romance with a sprinkling of angst and a heartwarming HEA, then this book and this series are for you.
Excerpt from Fool of Main Beach
Then the giant turned to Brother Two, who still held his arm painfully around Merle’s throat.
Brother hissed in Merle’s ear, “Don’t come any closer or I’ll break his neck.”
Sasquatch cocked his head and gave that weird smile again. Is the guy nuts? “It’s very hard to break a person’s neck, did you know that?” He walked slowly forward. “You don’t want to hurt him.”
The arm around Merle’s neck trembled and tightened convulsively. Merle made a gagging sound. Sasquatch frowned, an oddity on what appeared to be a young, pretty face.
“It will be very bad for you if you hurt him, you know? But if you let him go, I won’t hurt you.” He looked over his shoulder. “See. Your friends ran away already.”
Sure enough. They’d melted into the dark the second they got the chance.
“You should go too.” Sasquatch stepped forward again. “Go now.”
Brother Two released Merle and ran like a rabbit toward the water as Merle collapsed onto the damp sand. “I hope you fucking drown.” He rubbed his neck and tried to get a full breath into his lungs.
The big man knelt down beside Merle. Merle glanced up. Yes, on closer inspection the face might have been a choirboy’s—on the body of the Jolly Green Giant. The big man bobbed his head. “You’re okay, right?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“How can we know?”
Merle almost laughed. “Uh, I guess you can help me up, and we’ll check it out.”
“Okay.” The giant reached down, grasped Merle at the waist, and whoa—sent him flying to his feet. This time Merle did laugh. “Was that fun?” The big man smiled, and huge dimples popped out in his cherub face.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“I could do it again. I like lifting you.”
“No, that’s okay.” Funny how that gave him a little flip in the stomach. He rotated his neck very gently. “I think I’m okay. How does my tux look?” He stepped back and wiped sand from his butt.
“Oh, my clothes.”
“Good. Really pretty.”
“Thanks. A friend designed the clothes for me, and I’d hate for those assholes to ruin them.”
“Yes. That would be bad. Disappointing.”
“Yes, it would.”
“Friends are good.”
Merle stuck out his hand. “I’m Merle Justice, and I’m extremely grateful to you. I think you might have saved my life.”
The big man looked at Merle’s hand for a minute, then grinned and shook it enthusiastically. “I’m happy to save your life.”
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