When i was in high school oral sex wasn’t so much in fashion, plus i was pretty young (14-16) — so we kissed. Really well. My first serious boyfriend was such a good kisser i remember him to this day. And later i had a kissing experience that taught me that “her knees got weak” isn’t just a metaphor. So i thought i should do a little memorial to kissing.
A serious candidate for the best movie kisser is Jude Law. (see above from Cold Mountain) He’s not one of those peck and retreat guys. He stays connected in the very best way. But i recently found this picture of Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz in The Fountain (above) and thought this should be a candidate for yummiest screen kiss.
I am also a Team Edward woman, not only because i love vamps, but also because RoPat is a MUCH better kisser than Taylor Lautner.
And, of course, no memorial to kissing would be complete without a little boy/boy action featuring our own Adam. Enjoy!