the fifth book in the Love In Laguna Series arrives
August 21, 2017!
the fifth book in the Love In Laguna Series arrives
August 21, 2017!
The unlikeliest of lovers. The sweetest of loves.
Hi –I’m so excited to unveil the cover of my upcoming release, Fool of Main Beach. This is one of my personal favorite books with one of my unlikeliest heroes ever. I hope you love it!
* * *
Fool of Main Beach
(Love of Laguna Series, Bk #5)
by Tara Lain
Merle Justice wants to reach for the stars, but it’s tough to get respect when playing a teenybopper vampire on TV. Then he meets a famous director anxious to give him all he thinks he wants—and maybe a bit more. Everything’s looking up until a life-threatening encounter with some homophobes on Main Beach puts Merle face-to-face with a Sasquatch-sized hero in a pink puffer coat.
Tom Henry defies description. As unsophisticated and simple as an angel, he walks through life content with who he is and asking for very little except to care for his sister, Lily, and the dogs he loves. Then he meets Merle, the embodiment of dreams he barely knows he has. Merle knows the people who hold his future in their hands might love Tom—but they’ll never understand Merle and Tom together. Tom knows it too. With lives this far apart, who’s really the fool of Main Beach?
Pre-Order your copy now at
Also available to pre-order in paperback
Release Date:
August 21, 2017
White bursts of light flashed in front of his eyes and a
river of burning bile filled his mouth, oozing around the pressure of the big
asshole’s arm on his neck. Damn. Damn.
Who the fuck wants to die on the beach in a tuxedo?
river of burning bile filled his mouth, oozing around the pressure of the big
asshole’s arm on his neck. Damn. Damn.
Who the fuck wants to die on the beach in a tuxedo?
Merle staggered backward as the brother tightened his
grip and the other sibling from hell moved in to do more damage. Brother One
pulled back a fist—and suddenly flew through the air, practically knocking
Merle and his captor off their feet.
grip and the other sibling from hell moved in to do more damage. Brother One
pulled back a fist—and suddenly flew through the air, practically knocking
Merle and his captor off their feet.
Standing behind where Brother One had stood
was—Sasquatch. It had to be—this huge man, easily six foot six, dressed in what
might be a pink puffer jacket, with a shock of curly, dark hair flying around
his face. He stopped his forward momentum and snapped a fist at Ritchie, who
was staggering back to join the fray. Only the smallest interface between that
huge hand and Ritchie’s chin signaled bye-bye,
Ritchie. The dude staggered back and fell on his ass. Merle would have
cheered if his neck wasn’t breaking. Sweet Face held up his hands, and
Sasquatch nodded with a smile more appropriate to a kindergarten class than a beach
was—Sasquatch. It had to be—this huge man, easily six foot six, dressed in what
might be a pink puffer jacket, with a shock of curly, dark hair flying around
his face. He stopped his forward momentum and snapped a fist at Ritchie, who
was staggering back to join the fray. Only the smallest interface between that
huge hand and Ritchie’s chin signaled bye-bye,
Ritchie. The dude staggered back and fell on his ass. Merle would have
cheered if his neck wasn’t breaking. Sweet Face held up his hands, and
Sasquatch nodded with a smile more appropriate to a kindergarten class than a beach
Then the giant turned to Brother Two, who still held his
arm painfully around Merle’s throat. Brother hissed in Merle’s ear, “Don’t come
any closer or I’ll break his neck.”
arm painfully around Merle’s throat. Brother hissed in Merle’s ear, “Don’t come
any closer or I’ll break his neck.”
Sasquatch cocked his head and gave that weird smile
again. Is the guy nuts? “It’s very
hard to break a person’s neck, did you know that?” He walked slowly forward.
“You don’t want to hurt him.”
again. Is the guy nuts? “It’s very
hard to break a person’s neck, did you know that?” He walked slowly forward.
“You don’t want to hurt him.”
The arm around Merle’s neck trembled and tightened
convulsively. Merle made a gagging sound.
convulsively. Merle made a gagging sound.
Sasquatch frowned, an oddity on what appeared to be a
young, pretty face. “It will be very bad for you if you hurt him, you know? But
if you let him go, I won’t hurt you.” He looked over his shoulder. “See. Your
friends ran away already.”
young, pretty face. “It will be very bad for you if you hurt him, you know? But
if you let him go, I won’t hurt you.” He looked over his shoulder. “See. Your
friends ran away already.”
Sure enough. They’d melted into the dark the second they got
the chance.
the chance.
“You should go too.” Sasquatch stepped forward again. “Go
Brother Two released Merle and ran like a rabbit toward
the water as Merle collapsed onto the damp sand. “I hope you fucking drown.” He
rubbed his neck and tried to get a full breath into his lungs.
the water as Merle collapsed onto the damp sand. “I hope you fucking drown.” He
rubbed his neck and tried to get a full breath into his lungs.
The big man knelt down beside Merle.
Merle glanced up. Yes, on closer inspection the face
might have been a choirboy’s—on the body of the Jolly Green Giant.
might have been a choirboy’s—on the body of the Jolly Green Giant.
The big man bobbed his head. “You’re okay, right?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“How can we know?”
Merle almost laughed. “Uh, I guess you can help me up,
and we’ll check it out.”
and we’ll check it out.”
“Okay.” The giant reached down, grasped Merle at the
waist, and whoa—sent him flying to
his feet. This time Merle did laugh. “Was that fun?” The big man smiled, and
huge dimples popped out in his cherub face.
waist, and whoa—sent him flying to
his feet. This time Merle did laugh. “Was that fun?” The big man smiled, and
huge dimples popped out in his cherub face.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“I could do it again. I like lifting you.”
“No, that’s okay.” Funny how that gave him a little flip
in the stomach. He rotated his neck very gently. “I think I’m okay. How does my
tux look?” He stepped back and wiped sand from his butt.
in the stomach. He rotated his neck very gently. “I think I’m okay. How does my
tux look?” He stepped back and wiped sand from his butt.
“Oh, my clothes.”
“Good. Really pretty.”
“Thanks. A friend designed the clothes for me, and I’d
hate for those assholes to ruin them.”
hate for those assholes to ruin them.”
“Yes. That would be bad. Disappointing.”
“Yes, it would.”
“Friends are good.”
Merle stuck out his hand. “I’m Merle Justice, and I’m
extremely grateful to you. I think you might have saved my life.”
extremely grateful to you. I think you might have saved my life.”
The big man looked at Merle’s hand for a minute, then
grinned and shook it enthusiastically. “I’m happy to save your life.”
grinned and shook it enthusiastically. “I’m happy to save your life.”
Merle stretched out the measuring tape and got the
dimensions of the huge family space, then paced it off into dining and living
areas. Once he had enough measurements to buy rugs, he wandered past the big
island into the kitchen and opened each cabinet. His mind filled in the spaces
with dishes and pots and pans—yeah, a lot of stuff he didn’t have. His current
apartment in Santa Monica was still a transition space from starving-actor digs
to TV-star quarters. TV star? He snorted softly. More like vampire of the
month. Of course, he’d been lucky enough to be vampire of the month for two
dimensions of the huge family space, then paced it off into dining and living
areas. Once he had enough measurements to buy rugs, he wandered past the big
island into the kitchen and opened each cabinet. His mind filled in the spaces
with dishes and pots and pans—yeah, a lot of stuff he didn’t have. His current
apartment in Santa Monica was still a transition space from starving-actor digs
to TV-star quarters. TV star? He snorted softly. More like vampire of the
month. Of course, he’d been lucky enough to be vampire of the month for two
I’m killing time.
Go down to Ru’s studio and take him to lunch.
Go down to Ru’s studio and take him to lunch.
“Want part of my sandwich, Merle?”
He looked up into the truly pretty face smiling at him
from the other side of the island. “I don’t want to take your lunch, Tom. I’ll
go get some.”
from the other side of the island. “I don’t want to take your lunch, Tom. I’ll
go get some.”
“It’s okay. I made two sandwiches, so there’s lots.”
I should go, but—“Sure,
I’d love half of your sandwich. What kind is it?”
I’d love half of your sandwich. What kind is it?”
“I’ve got peanut butter and I’ve got avocado and cheese.”
“Which kind do you like best?”
“I like them both.”
“I’ll take avocado.” He looked around the big room still
covered in drywall dust, nails, and wood shavings. “Where shall we sit?”
covered in drywall dust, nails, and wood shavings. “Where shall we sit?”
Tom made a waggling motion with his finger.
Merle cocked his head and walked around the island to
where Tom stood, towering over him. Suddenly he was flying through the air and
made a little gasping sound as Tom sat him on top of the island, then grinned
and easily hopped up beside him. Merle laughed. “No fair.”
where Tom stood, towering over him. Suddenly he was flying through the air and
made a little gasping sound as Tom sat him on top of the island, then grinned
and easily hopped up beside him. Merle laughed. “No fair.”
“Oh, didn’t you like it?” Tom looked serious.
“I’m teasing you. I just meant it’s funny that you’re so
much bigger than me.”
much bigger than me.”
He shrugged. “I’m much bigger than anybody—except Billy.
I’m just a little bigger than him.” He handed over his half sandwich. It was on
some kind of multigrain bread and appeared to have cheese that wasn’t American.
I’m just a little bigger than him.” He handed over his half sandwich. It was on
some kind of multigrain bread and appeared to have cheese that wasn’t American.
“This looks delicious.”
“Mrs. Allison taught me to make it.”
“Who’s that?” He took a bite and was very happy he did.
“The lady I live with.”
“Oh, you live with a lady?” Duh, Merle.
“She owns the house, and I rent a room from her.” He
chewed his peanut butter, which also looked like it might have some organic
roots. “I help her with stuff, and she helps me too. Like teaching me about
food and water and how to feed the boys.”
chewed his peanut butter, which also looked like it might have some organic
roots. “I help her with stuff, and she helps me too. Like teaching me about
food and water and how to feed the boys.”
“My dogs.”
“How many dogs?”
“Two. Fluffy and Tigger. I got them from the shelter where
I work sometimes.”
I work sometimes.”
“Most landladies don’t let you have dogs.”
“Mrs. A. is really nice. She doesn’t want me to have big
dogs, though. Wish I could.” He chewed thoughtfully.
dogs, though. Wish I could.” He chewed thoughtfully.
“You could probably get an apartment or house with enough
space for bigger dogs if you want them.”
space for bigger dogs if you want them.”
He shook his head matter-of-factly. “No. Can’t afford
“I guess rentals in Laguna are pretty high.”
“Yeah, but Billy pays me good. I just need the money for
my folks to take care of Lily.”
my folks to take care of Lily.”
“Your sister.”
“Right.” He grinned like he was happy Merle knew her
name. They chewed companionably. “You’re on TV, right?”
name. They chewed companionably. “You’re on TV, right?”
“I don’t see TV much, but I’m going to watch this week.
Mrs. Allison said I can.”
Mrs. Allison said I can.”
Why did his saying things like that wring Merle’s heart?
“Do you like movies?”
“Do you like movies?”
“Oh yes. I go to movies sometimes.”
“What kind do you like?”
“All kinds. Except the ones with the words. I’m not so
good at that.”
good at that.”
Merle’s glance snapped to Tom’s face, but Tom didn’t seem
to be complaining or confessing. Just stating a fact. “Do you have trouble reading?”
He tried to ask it with great nonchalance.
to be complaining or confessing. Just stating a fact. “Do you have trouble reading?”
He tried to ask it with great nonchalance.
“Yes. That’s how Billy and I got to be friends. He
doesn’t read so good either.” He grinned. “But we’re better now.”
doesn’t read so good either.” He grinned. “But we’re better now.”
“May I ask you a personal question? You don’t have to
tell me.”
tell me.”
“Sure, Merle. You’re my friend.”
Again, that thump on his heart. “I know you passed the
electrician’s exam. Billy tells me that’s really hard. If you have trouble
reading, how were you able to do it?”
electrician’s exam. Billy tells me that’s really hard. If you have trouble
reading, how were you able to do it?”
“Mrs. A. read it to me.”
He looked up from licking his fingers clean of avocado.
“I gave her the tests that were like samples, and she
read them to me. And she read all the handbooks too. Then a nice guy named Burt
read me the questions on the test, and I said the answers out loud.”
read them to me. And she read all the handbooks too. Then a nice guy named Burt
read me the questions on the test, and I said the answers out loud.”
“So you learned everything when Mrs., uh, A. read it to
“Um-hm. I remember really good.” He finished the last
bite of his avocado. “Most people don’t, you know?”
bite of his avocado. “Most people don’t, you know?”
Merle grinned. “Yes, I do know.”
“Do you like being on TV?”
“Yes. It’s a good job. Long hours, but I get time off
sometimes. Like now.” Funny. He wanted to tell Tom. “I might have a chance to
make a movie.”
sometimes. Like now.” Funny. He wanted to tell Tom. “I might have a chance to
make a movie.”
Tom’s whole face lit up. “That would be really good,
right? Would you like that?”
right? Would you like that?”
“Yes, it’d be a step up in my career. And the guy
directing the movie is very well-known and respected.” He glanced over. Did Tom
have the slightest idea what he just said?
directing the movie is very well-known and respected.” He glanced over. Did Tom
have the slightest idea what he just said?
“Do you like him?”
Merle smiled. Leave it to Tom to get to the heart of the
Love in Laguna Series
Bk #1
Available for purchase at
Bk #2
Available for purchase at
Bk #4
Available for purchase at
Pre-order your copy now!
About the Author

Tara Lain writes the Beautiful Boys of Romance in gay romance novels that star her unique, charismatic heroes. Her first novel was published in January of 2011 and she’s now somewhere around book 40. Her best-selling novels have garnered awards for Best Series, Best Contemporary Romance, Best Paranormal Romance, Best Ménage, Best LGBT Romance, Best Gay Characters, Best Romantic Suspense, and more. In her other job, Tara owns an advertising and public relations firm. She often does workshops on both author promotion and writing craft. She lives with her soul-mate husband and her soul-mate dog near the sea in California where she sets a lot of her books. Passionate about diversity, justice, and new experiences, Tara says on her tombstone it will say “Yes”!
You can find Tara at Lain
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