Hi — It’s Movie Time with Tara and I’m talking Hell or High Water! LOL. Actually, i not only love books, i also adore films and i used to publish a movie review blog. That was back in the day before i became a novelist. I used to see at least one movie a week. Now I see less, but my love of films persists. Soooo, i think i might post an occasional movie review blog and see if anyone likes it. Before i plunge in, let me remind you that the Blog Tour for my new bestseller release, LORD OF A THOUSAND STEPS, is still going on.
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Now, on with the review. I love films that surprise me. I go to the theater thinking i may hate it and find it’s a favorite. Films like Michael Clayton and No Country for Old Men. Such a film is Hell or High Water starring Jeff Bridges, Chris Pine and Ben Foster. This is a hard movie to categorize and so, hard to describe. It’s a mood piece — but also a thriller. It’s serious, poignant and a tear jerker, but also funny as heck and uplifting. It’s dark and yet also optimistic. It’s a caper movie — and a serious meditation on brotherhood. It’s both an homage to the great American west and a condemnation of it.
One thing that can be said for sure is that it features spectacular performances. Jeff Bridges proves his mastery and i can practically hear them polishing the Academy Award. Chris Pine surprised me with his depth and subtlety and Ben Foster was a total revelation. The secondary characters are equally amazing. Also unerring is the bleak, desolate and yet somehow magnificent landscape of Texas.
Hell or High Water shows us the fine line between villainy and heroism — and i think you’ll cry and cheer in the process.
Thanks so much for visiting! : )