Hi and thank you for joining me for the Blog tour for my new release, LORD OF A THOUSAND STEPS. This book is a great favorite of mine for many reasons, one of which is that it takes place on and near Thousand Steps Beach in Laguna Beach, CA. where my husband proposed to me!
Here is IMPORTANT INFORMATION for you — 2 Special Deals gong on now, if you act fast —
1. To celebrate the new release, EVERY Tara Lain Backlist Book at Dreamspinner Press is yours for 30% OFF until September 4th. BUT you must use the code THOUSAND. Okay. Remember to use the code when you check out. You can see all my books HERE.
2. And you can purchase KNAVE OF BROKEN HEARTS for 99 cents! Just Click HERE.
Remember, these are limited time offers, so be sure to take advantage of them soon. Now, on with the blog tour!
To architecture student Ian Carney, family means everything. Taken in by his brother, Jim, when his father threw him out at eighteen for being gay, Ian yearns to create his own family with his boyfriend, Rico. But Rico’s in Mexico caring for a sick father, Ian hasn’t had sex in a month and a half, and his gorgeous boss, Braden Lord, CEO of the architectural firm Ian interns for, is looking better and better.
Braden’s life is chaos. Just out of the closet and going through an ugly divorce from his wife of fifteen years who’s trying to take custody of his two children, he desperately resolves not to succumb to a completely inappropriate attraction to Ian—even though his kids adore both the man and his crazy cat.
When Rico proves to be a snake in the grass and Ian exercises his powers of seduction, what starts as a “friends with benefits” fling turns into real life real fast. Can Ian give up his romantic dreams for an “old guy” who didn’t come out until he carried a mountain of baggage? It’ll only take a thousand steps.
couple of feet away. The little girl squatted down beside him on the sand in
her Frozen bathing suit, gently
petting Anderson’s head and getting the motorcycle response. Ian grinned. “Hi.”
the purr proved too great and she kept petting. “Hello. What’s his name?”
expression so far beyond her years—which appeared to be somewhere around five
or six—that Ian almost snorted again. Almost. One didn’t face such disdain
lightly. “Yes. I suppose it is. Have you ever heard of Anderson Cooper?”
and said, “Have I heard of Anderson Cooper, Daddy?”
hadn’t moved so as not to disturb the petting frenzy. Now he scrambled to
sitting, getting a yowl from Anderson, and looked behind him. Well, holy shit.
slightly, and Ian knew that because he wore very little on those hips. Just a
pair of slim-fitting board shorts that cupped an ass on its way to legend and
thighs Ian could only imagine in X-rated postures.
sand from his legs and tried to find some moderately respectable posture that
wouldn’t show his half-masted cock.
to keep you in one place.” Lord laughed. “Don’t see mountain lions much on the
in Frozen bathing suits.”
pile sand on top of Anderson, who cooperated by stretching to his full, massive
length. She gave Ian that eyebrow again. “Are you referring to me?”
one. Ian extended a hand. “How do you do. I’m Ian Carney. I work for your—”
He glanced up at Braden. “—daddy.”
Lord. And I really like your cat.”
Anderson likes it too.”
Braden as she piled more sand on the cat. “Have I heard of Anderson Cooper, Daddy?”
Mireille. You might remember him because his hair is the same color as the
been the recipient of a rebound blowjob. He slowly released his breath. Better than no blowjob at all, I guess.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
for romance on every street corner, you know? Just about the time I moved in
with my brother, he fell for Ken, and I think that warped my perspective.
They’re so happy. But I guess I haven’t kissed enough frogs yet.”
cherish my new amphibian category.” Although it kind of stung.
wildly. “Actually, you’re the antiamphibian.”
prince. But you’re so far out of my league, you won’t tempt me to hope.” He
grinned. “I can be your secret blowjob guy, your fuck buddy, while you’re getting
yourself out of your marriage. You won’t have to worry about some random spy
photographer catching you in the throes with me. Hell, if they see us together,
you have a perfect reason to be with me. Combination design mentee and babysitter.”
bellyache. “What do you get out of it?”
a break from fairy-tale romance.”
on. But I really like you. If we go into this with eyes open and solemnly
promise that when one of us finds a realistic boyfriend we can still work
together, then I’m in. But seriously, I don’t want to jeopardize my job. I love
working for Lord and Kendrick. If you think I’m kidding myself, say so.”
Love in Laguna Series

So looking forward to reading this new addition to the series!
Thank you Rick. Must confess, it’s a fave of mine. : )
recvd arc copy of this and loved it…congrats tara on another winner
Thank you so much, Jodi! : )
Congratulations on your new release Tara the book sounds fab and a great addition to the Laguna Series.
Thank you, Shirley Ann. I had so much fun with this one! : )
The books of this series can be spot easily by the tone of the covers! 😉 Congrats and good luck on another new release and addition to Love In Laguna series, Tara.
Thank you Didi. The covers are by the fabulous Reese Dante who does most of my covers now. Easy to understand why! : )
Congrats on the new addition to the series! The cover looks fantastic =)
This sounds like a great addition to the series. Thanks for the post and contest!
Thank you, Jen. : )
I loved the story so much that I’m waiting for this one to come out as an Audiobook already.
Me too, Ilona. I haven’t heard any word on audio yet. : )
Looking forwards to sitting down and reading thru all of these. I’ve purchased all of them but can never find the time!!! This cover is hot though-may just have to buckle down and power read!
Sheila — I hope you love them all! : )
I LOVED this book! I hope there will be more books in the Love in Laguna series!
Hi Angie — Yes, i’m already planning the next one. : )
I love the blurb, and since I love all of Tara’s books, I know I’ll love this one too. 🙂
Thank you, Barbra! Hope you do. : )