Hi and welcome! I’m so excited to introduce you to the gorgeous cover by Reese Dante for my newest Love in Laguna book, LORD OF A THOUSAND STEPS. If you’ve read other books in the series, maybe you remember Ian, the kid brother with the cat in Knave of Broken Hearts. He’s all grown up and getting a romance of his own. If you haven’t read any of the series, but just like beach romance, kids and cats, don’t worry. All these books stand alone — honestly. For fans of the series, you will see visits from past favorite characters.
I should mention, this book is a special fave of mine and i hope you really enjoy it!
Lord of a Thousand Steps
(Love in Laguna #4)
by Tara Lain
To architecture student Ian Carney, family means everything. Taken in by his brother, Jim, when his father threw him out at eighteen for being gay, Ian yearns to create his own family with his boyfriend, Rico. But Rico’s in Mexico caring for a sick father, Ian hasn’t had sex in a month and a half, and his gorgeous boss, Braden Lord, CEO of the architectural firm Ian interns for, is looking better and better.
Braden’s life is chaos. Just out of the closet and going through an ugly divorce from his wife of fifteen years who’s trying to take custody of his two children, he desperately resolves not to succumb to a completely inappropriate attraction to Ian—even though his kids adore both the man and his crazy cat.
When Rico proves to be a snake in the grass and Ian exercises his powers of seduction, what starts as a “friends with benefits” fling turns into real life real fast. Can Ian give up his romantic dreams for an “old guy” who didn’t come out until he carried a mountain of baggage? It’ll only take a thousand steps.
Release Date:
August 31st 2016
Pre-order at
Also in paperback
slapped his shoulder. “Everything okay, Carney?”
slapped his shoulder. “Everything okay, Carney?”
yes. Thanks.” He steadied his glass to keep from spilling, looked up as Braden
Lord stepped next to him, and proceeded to slosh champagne all over Lord’s
elegant, European leather shoes. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.”
yes. Thanks.” He steadied his glass to keep from spilling, looked up as Braden
Lord stepped next to him, and proceeded to slosh champagne all over Lord’s
elegant, European leather shoes. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.”
slapped him again. Maybe a couple too
many drinky poos there. “My fault. Totally my fault. Braden has more shoes,
right, Bray?”
slapped him again. Maybe a couple too
many drinky poos there. “My fault. Totally my fault. Braden has more shoes,
right, Bray?”
not a problem.” Braden smiled at Ian. Up close, that face looked a little less
pretty but even more interesting, with crinkles around his eyes like from
laughter—and pain. “Need more champagne?”
not a problem.” Braden smiled at Ian. Up close, that face looked a little less
pretty but even more interesting, with crinkles around his eyes like from
laughter—and pain. “Need more champagne?”
I guess I better not. It seems like I can’t handle it.”
I guess I better not. It seems like I can’t handle it.”
else, then?” Lord looked in his eyes.
else, then?” Lord looked in his eyes.
Whoa, what
an offer. Get your mind out of your boxer briefs, idiot. “No thanks.
I guess I should go soon.”
an offer. Get your mind out of your boxer briefs, idiot. “No thanks.
I guess I should go soon.”
leaned toward him. “How’s your boyfriend’s father?”
leaned toward him. “How’s your boyfriend’s father?”
I don’t know.” Did he sound as pathetic as he felt? “I mean, the cell service
isn’t great.”
I don’t know.” Did he sound as pathetic as he felt? “I mean, the cell service
isn’t great.”
I heard it had gotten so much better the last couple years.”
I heard it had gotten so much better the last couple years.”
guess not.”
guess not.”
put a hand on his shoulder. “No, I’ve had cell problems in Mexico. It can be
spotty. Probably worse if you’re in a hospital.”
put a hand on his shoulder. “No, I’ve had cell problems in Mexico. It can be
spotty. Probably worse if you’re in a hospital.”
the heat from Braden’s hand seeped through his cheap sports coat, Ian half
wanted to cry and half to kiss Braden Lord. Right, Rico was in a hospital. He couldn’t
use the phone. Shit, why hadn’t he thought of that? “Thank you.”
the heat from Braden’s hand seeped through his cheap sports coat, Ian half
wanted to cry and half to kiss Braden Lord. Right, Rico was in a hospital. He couldn’t
use the phone. Shit, why hadn’t he thought of that? “Thank you.”
what?” Lord smiled softly. He knows what.
what?” Lord smiled softly. He knows what.
me that I should leave him a message he can read when he goes home. Thanks
again. I better go. I have school tomorrow.” He shook the hands of the two
clients he’d been chatting with. “I hope to see you again. You’re in great
hands with Lord and Kendrick.” He turned. “Max, I’ll see you Monday.” He turned
back to Braden but looked at his feet. “Sorry again. I hope I didn’t stain your
me that I should leave him a message he can read when he goes home. Thanks
again. I better go. I have school tomorrow.” He shook the hands of the two
clients he’d been chatting with. “I hope to see you again. You’re in great
hands with Lord and Kendrick.” He turned. “Max, I’ll see you Monday.” He turned
back to Braden but looked at his feet. “Sorry again. I hope I didn’t stain your
to worry about.”
to worry about.”
Look up,
He plastered on a smile and met Braden’s deep sea-blue eyes. “Thanks again for
inviting me. Honored.” You can drown in
the sea.
He plastered on a smile and met Braden’s deep sea-blue eyes. “Thanks again for
inviting me. Honored.” You can drown in
the sea.
you could come.” Lord’s face looked friendly, sympathetic, and—what?
you could come.” Lord’s face looked friendly, sympathetic, and—what?
Shit. Give
me one chance to impress, and I’ll spill something every time. Holy fuckhole,
how does a guy get that gorgeous? “Night.”
me one chance to impress, and I’ll spill something every time. Holy fuckhole,
how does a guy get that gorgeous? “Night.”
said, “Don’t you need a ride?”
said, “Don’t you need a ride?”
thanks. The office is close and my car’s there.” He waved and practically ran
to the door of Antonio’s. Outside, the nightly drop in temperature slapped his
face. Had he been flirting with the boss? Hell, the boss’s boss? Nah. Just
shitting on his shoes.
thanks. The office is close and my car’s there.” He waved and practically ran
to the door of Antonio’s. Outside, the nightly drop in temperature slapped his
face. Had he been flirting with the boss? Hell, the boss’s boss? Nah. Just
shitting on his shoes.
Ian knew
which bedroom was Braden’s from the four or five times he’d chased or carried
Anderson down the hall—but this was the first time he’d been in it. Wow. Beyond the tall glass windows, the
moon left a pathway on the midnight black water showing sparkles of white foam.
Somewhere below, the surf crashed against the cliff, not only rumbling, but
setting up a light vibration that shivered through Ian’s feet straight into his
which bedroom was Braden’s from the four or five times he’d chased or carried
Anderson down the hall—but this was the first time he’d been in it. Wow. Beyond the tall glass windows, the
moon left a pathway on the midnight black water showing sparkles of white foam.
Somewhere below, the surf crashed against the cliff, not only rumbling, but
setting up a light vibration that shivered through Ian’s feet straight into his
Man, if
anything revealed their stark differences, this room did it. Grown-up with a
capital G. Here he was living off the charity of his brother and Ken, while
Braden got to sleep in a room like this. Think of all he’d accomplished in his
thirty-six years. Of course, when it came to sex—gay sex—Ian came out on top in
the experience department by a lot—pardon the pun. That makes me feel a little better. Of course, he wouldn’t be
topping tonight. Sticking it in took a lot less practice than receiving it. Whew. That cock in his ass? Just the
thought sent his dick into heat-seeking mode.
anything revealed their stark differences, this room did it. Grown-up with a
capital G. Here he was living off the charity of his brother and Ken, while
Braden got to sleep in a room like this. Think of all he’d accomplished in his
thirty-six years. Of course, when it came to sex—gay sex—Ian came out on top in
the experience department by a lot—pardon the pun. That makes me feel a little better. Of course, he wouldn’t be
topping tonight. Sticking it in took a lot less practice than receiving it. Whew. That cock in his ass? Just the
thought sent his dick into heat-seeking mode.
the view?”
the view?”
Ian looked
over his shoulder at Braden, who stood framed in the doorway. Ian smiled
softly. “I am now.”
over his shoulder at Braden, who stood framed in the doorway. Ian smiled
softly. “I am now.”
“Me too.”
“You say the
sweetest things.”
sweetest things.”
“You make it
grinned and leaned against the doorframe. Impossibly
sexy. “What’s the old saying? Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of
rocking chairs?”
grinned and leaned against the doorframe. Impossibly
sexy. “What’s the old saying? Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of
rocking chairs?”
“As a whore
in church?” Ian took two steps toward Braden.
in church?” Ian took two steps toward Braden.
pushed away from the door and moved forward a step. “As a prize turkey in
pushed away from the door and moved forward a step. “As a prize turkey in
“As a cat at
a dog show.” Two more steps.
a dog show.” Two more steps.
“As a pig in
a bacon factory.” They were only a couple of feet apart.
a bacon factory.” They were only a couple of feet apart.
“As the
owner of a ceiling-fan store with a comb-over.”
owner of a ceiling-fan store with a comb-over.”
barked a laugh. “I give up. You win.”
barked a laugh. “I give up. You win.”
Ian slid his
hand across Braden’s cheek. A day’s
growth of beard. Nice. “What do I get for a prize?”
hand across Braden’s cheek. A day’s
growth of beard. Nice. “What do I get for a prize?”
Braden sighed
and the words slid out like butter. “Anything you want.”
and the words slid out like butter. “Anything you want.”
“Want to
fuck me?”
fuck me?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Have you
done this much?”
done this much?”
He shrugged.
although the condoms may have been used by the Neanderthals.”
although the condoms may have been used by the Neanderthals.”
“Now who’s
He flushed
and stared at his shoes. “I meant the age.”
and stared at his shoes. “I meant the age.”
“I know, but
then I’ve already met Mr. Neanderthal down there, so don’t be downplaying his
stats.” He grinned.
then I’ve already met Mr. Neanderthal down there, so don’t be downplaying his
stats.” He grinned.
Love in Laguna Series
Available for purchase at
Paperback from Dreamspinner
Available for purchase at
Paperback from Dreamspinner
Available for purchase at
You can order the paperback here.
About the Author

Tara Lain writes the Beautiful Boys of Romance in LGBT erotic romance novels that star her unique, charismatic heroes. Her first novel was published in January of 2011 and she’s now somewhere around book 32. Her best-selling novels have garnered awards for Best Series, Best Contemporary Romance, Best Paranormal Romance, Best Ménage, Best LGBT Romance, Best Gay Characters, and Tara has been named Best Writer of the Year in the LRC Awards. In her other job, Tara owns an advertising and public relations firm. She often does workshops on both author promotion and writing craft. She lives with her soul-mate husband and her soul-mate dog near the sea in California where she sets a lot of her books. Passionate about diversity, justice, and new experiences, Tara says on her tombstone it will say “Yes”!
You can find Tara at Lain

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