Hi — Before i tell you Ten Fun things About Tara’s WIP, i want to remind
you of two fantastic events where you can win prizes. My Beauty, Inc. Blog tour is going on and you can enter to win a $20 Amazon GC HERE. You can also enter to WIN a Kindle fire loaded with audiobooks if you enter HERE on the Audio Book Lovin’ event!
So from time to time, i like to share a few facts about my works in progress. I just started writing my second book in the Cowboys Don’t series. The first book is called Cowboys Don’t Come Out and it will release in December of this year. The book i just started will follow this story as book 2 in the series and here are a few facts about it:
1. Much of it takes place in and around Chico, California
2. My hero works for a small horse ranch that also functions as a dude ranch
3. I’m busily researching things like how much a bottle of bourbon costs.
4. The majority of my research is on bull riding because my hero is also involved in rodeo
5. I’m about to learn a lot about rodeo clowns and bull fighting
6. Of course, my hero is gay, but he gets by in this super macho world by being a pretty macho guy.
7. My other hero is not macho at all — and therein lies the crux of the conflict.
8. I decided to write a cowboy series when i went to the Dreamspinner author workshop this past March. I was writing a whole different book, but got so excited about writing cowboys, i shelved the other book and dove into my first ever cowboy novel — which happens to take place largely in Hawaii!
9. One of the heroes of the first book in the series and an ongoing character in book 2 is a Hawaiian paniolo — cowboy — who is part of a cowboy tradition that precedes that of the mainland US.
10. This second book in the series will, i hope, be out in time for RT 2017.
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