Hi and welcome. I’m so excited to share my new novel with you. PRINCE OF THE PLAYHOUSE is released!!
You can order the paperback here.
Gray snagged the napkin, scooted his chair back in, and—didn’t move his leg. From knee to hip, his long limb rested fully against Ru’s. Didn’t he notice? Was being pressed against another man normal for him? Maybe an action-star thing?
Forget about food, conversation, breathing. Don’t miss a moment.
Artie started talking to Gray about some entertainment industry thing. Gray ate heartily. Nothing abnormal or extraordinary going on in his universe. Ru pushed his salmon on the plate and gazed into near space, every ounce of his consciousness living in his tingling flesh.
Ru’s glance flicked up to find Merle staring at him. “Sorry?”
“Boy, you were a million miles away. Designing costumes?”
“Oh yes.” He liked Merle. He didn’t want to wish the guy would shut up so he could listen to the sound of his balls expanding.
Merle lowered his voice. “I wondered if you’d like to get that drink we didn’t quite get to have later?”
Gray shifted and pressed his knee harder. Ru sucked wind. “Oh!”
Merle cocked his head. “Is that an unexpected invitation?” He grinned. “I did everything except hire a billboard.”
“Oh no. Sorry. I, uh, have so much to do—”
“It’s not really late. We could go over to the Ocean Bar for a little while, and then you can get home to your designs.”
Gray turned abruptly to Ru. “Did you talk with Artie about your great design concepts for the Hamlet character?”
“Oh no, not yet.”
Artie grinned. “I’m all ears.”
Ru glanced at a deflated-looking Merle but launched into an explanation of his glamorized gangster costume. The more he talked, the more excited he got. “It immediately sets Hamlet apart from his family and everyone else. He has other allegiances, a different take on the world. When he says ‘to be or not to be,’ he’s not just depressed and melancholy. He’s seriously considering his options, and they’re violent.”
Gray started beating out a rap rhythm on the edge of the table. “To be or not to be. Yeah, to be or not to be. That’s the question in front of me.”
The others laughed, and Merle joined in.
Ru nodded. “Horatio would have some of the same gang colors as Hamlet, but we can see that he’s being sucked in by the man.”
Artie clapped. “Brilliant idea, Ru.”
“But remember, this will be fashion, not costume, so it will suggest the look but not be slavish.”
“Can’t wait to see it.”
Beverly nodded and sipped more wine. “Amajing. Ruj’s amajing.”
Ru sat back and smiled. Even while he’d been rapping, Gray had never moved his leg. If anything, he’d pressed it harder against Ru. Jesus, he wanted to pull Gray to his feet and press more than their legs together.
Penelope leaned forward and looked toward Ru. “I agree, you’re amazing.”
He nodded. “Why, thank you, lovely lady.” It made him feel a little squirmy to think he was lusting after this woman’s boyfriend, but maybe she and Gray had some kind of agreement?
She put a hand on Gray’s arm. “I think I should ask him.”
Gray frowned. “No, not now.”
“No better time. Ru, I’m soon going to be looking for a designer for my wedding gown, and I’d like to invite you to submit a concept. It’s not right away. I know you’re working on a collection, but I wanted to tell you, so you can keep my needs in mind.”
Ru didn’t move. Even his heart must have quit. He couldn’t hear it beating over the rushing in his ears.
Ru laughed and got a frown from Gray. “Don’t just stand there. Take off the damned shoes.” He smiled. “Please.”
Ru removed the beautiful shoes, tossed them aside, then grabbed Gray’s jeans and yanked them off, leaving him in only a pair of baby-blue bikini briefs. Ru chortled. “Oh yeah, you’re gay.”
“I wore them just for you.” Gray bobbed his butt and had them off so fast Ru barely got to admire them. Then he pulled his long-sleeved T-shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor.
Oh man, what a body. Lean and ripped, even more beautiful than the movies revealed. To say nothing of that mind-bending cock.
“Lie on your back.” Admiring the impressive length and breadth of Gray’s full upright position, Ru sauntered to the nightstand and carefully removed the foil and the cage from the champagne bottle, then popped the cork. Gray’s dick bobbed in time. Ru poured some champagne into one of the glasses and sat next to Gray, who appeared to be bouncing in place in anticipation. With a twirl of one finger, he swirled the champagne, then slid the wet digit across Gray’s beautiful lips.
An anxious tongue emerged and licked the liquid. “Ummm. I could really get into champagne if you deliver it that way.”
“Ah, I’ve barely begun to display my champagne-delivery skills.” He wet his finger again and made a circle around Gray’s hard-as-a-diamond nipple, then laved it with his tongue before sucking the champagne-flavored nub into his mouth.
Gray gasped, and his hips rose from the bed.
Ru pulled back and chuckled. “Don’t get too excited yet. We have far to go.” He poured a splash of liquid into the center of Gray’s breastbone and watched it dribble down and collect in his innie. Oh yes, what a way to consume alcohol. He followed the lines of bubbly from the swell of Gray’s pecs down to his navel. That put his lips dangerously close to the prime target area, and Gray knew it. His cockhead stretched up beyond his belly button but curved slightly to the right, giving Ru just enough space to nuzzle in and gather the liquid on his tongue.
Gray twisted so his dick slapped against Ru’s cheek.
Ru chuckled. “A little impatient, are we?”
“Come on!”
“Come on what, darling?”
“Suck it, please. Please.”
“Oh, you ask so sweetly. How can I resist?” He shifted an inch and stuck out his tongue until it gathered precum dripping from Gray’s penis, then licked some more champagne from his belly.
“More, please.”
“More? Hmmm.” He poured a stream of champagne right on Gray’s cock, which got a giggle and hip bounce from the cock owner. “Goin’ down.”

You can find Tara at