Hi everyone —

You know that i love Davey Wavey and think he’s really charming, funny, and smart, so i share his videos pretty often. The one i’ve posted below happened to juxtapose with something i’ve been thinking about today — gay heroes versus heroes who are pretty much straight guys who happen to have sex with each other.

We all know that many very popular MM books have heroes of the latter kind. And they can be very enjoyable. In those books, the idea that if one guy is good, two are better is the primary reason to read the book. But i don’t write those books. While i’m the first to admit that my heroes can be a bit larger than life, they are still gay. They have the back story and life experience of gay men and that life experience has shaped them. Those experiences are unique. Yes, unique to each man, but also unique to being gay. Straight men don’t generally get disowned by their families or tossed on the street for being something they cannot change. They don’t have to  “come out”to their friends and perhaps never be accepted again. They don’t have the Bible telling them that their existence is anathema. These things change  a person. They may not play a huge part in the plot of a book, but they’re still there, not to be eclipsed or changed.

That’s why i love this post by Davey Wavey. He’s making fun and having fun, but at the same time letting us see things that are unique to the experience of gay men. Experiences that i respect and love to try and capture. I hope you enjoy the video. Thank you for coming by!  : )