Love You So Madly Re-released!

by Apr 20, 2021Love You So Stories, News

Hi. I’m delighted to announce the re-release of LOVE YOU SO MADLY, the very improbable love story between an up-and-coming executive and the very special handyman in his office.

Love You So Madly by Tara Lain

Love You So Madly

Love You So Madly is an improbable love, challenged hero, no-sugar-diet, MM romance.

What does it mean when you have it all … and you’d like to give some of it back?

Ben Shane’s a hard-working guy, deeply committed to an important job.
Dusty Kincaid is a hard-working guy who happens to be Ben’s handyman.

Ben’s chafing against his engagement to a super-wealthy man who makes him feel like a trophy wife – but is he really going to give up a partner who drives a Ferrari for one who takes the bus?

Dusty has challenges Ben can’t begin to imagine, and the world thinks they’re crazy. But face it. From the beginning, this love has been a little bit mad.

Available in eBook and Paperback

Second Edition
Release Date: April 20, 2021
Tara Lain Books
Pages 162


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