The Head-in-the-Clouds Thrill of Writing a New Book

Hi everyone–I am currently editing three books! Editing has its joys. You get to make things better, put that final touch on your work so you don’t have to cringe when you read the same word six times on one page. Stuff like that. BUT, the really fun thing...

Crying While You Write! Getting the Author’s Best

Hi everyone–I was writing a scene today in my new Aloysius Tale about three young men who come to a veterinary clinic and end up finding their pets. Simple enough. Two dogs and a cat. But i love animals and the moment grabbed me so much i was writing with tears...

When Sex Scenes Aren’t About Sex

Hi everyone–Thanks to Rosanna for visiting me. She’ll be choosing a winner and posting it in the comments!In a recent post on Erotic vs Traditional Romance, i talked about the fact that erotic romance is not as much about sex as traditional romance. Once...

Thinking Up Hot Ideas

Hi everyone–People always ask writers where they get there ideas. Once you’re a pretty steady novel writer, it’s hard to answer that question because the answer is everywhere. But that wasn’t true for me for many years. I’ve been a...

Putting the SQUEEEEE in Sequels

Hi everyone– Today i’d like to talk about romance sequels. Love ‘em or hate ‘em? Many readers love sequels because they’re already invested in a world and its characters and want to see more and more. This is great for an author. Your readers are waiting...

Putting the SQUEEEEE in Sequels!

Romance sequels. Love ‘em or hate ‘em? Many readers love sequels because they’re already invested in a world and its characters and want to see more and more. This is great for an author. Your readers are waiting with bated breath for your next book and new readers...

Write Your Passion

I said when i started this blog a few months ago that i would write about other people’s books until i had a book in publication and could stake a tiny claim on being a real fiction writer. Happily, that’s occurred. My first novel, Genetic Attraction,...

My Conflict with Conflict

Every writer and reader knows that the very essence of successful fiction is conflict. No conflict, no story. The main characters have to be challenged, confronted. We have to see them grow under pressure. They must have something big to lose and equally big to gain....