Hi everyone–

If you read this blog, i’d love a comment or email from you with your opinion.(And i will give a copy of one book from my backlist to one commenter.)  Recently, a friend of mine who doesn’t usually read gay romance but does read my books said to me, “You write books about true love. That’s why i read them. That’s what makes your books special.”

Her wonderful comment got me thinking about my brand. A brand is defined as a “promise” made by a product or service which lives in the heart of the consumer–in my case, my readers.What is my brand? What does a reader expect when they pick up a Tara Lain book? What is the implied promise?

One thing i think they expect is a particular type of hero. Would you agree? My Beautiful Boys of Romance. But since half of my books are menages and half are gay romances, readers probably don’t expect that my hero is always going to be gay. He might be bisexual? Maybe even heterosexual? Do you agree? What do you think a Tara Lain hero is like?

Do you  think my friend is right? Obviously, all erotic romances are about love, but are mine uniquely about love in some way? What else? Any thoughts?

I’m asking for a reason. I recently did something very different for me. I wrote a M/F romance that will likely come out at the holidays. It’s just a short little thing. But do you think people will find this unusual–that i think heterosexuals need love too? What is your opinion?

I do not own my brand. You do. So if you have a minute will you tell me what it is in your experience? I’ll choose a winner by random number and give that person one book from my backlist. Thank you for your help! : )