Hi —

I love movies and i love romance so i thought it would be fun to check out some people’s ideas of the Top 10 Romantic Movies. Some of my favorites of all time are on this list, but not necessarily in the order in which they appear here. For example, i’d put Dirty Dancing or Moonstruck higher than Titanic (sacrilege, i know!) Probably The Notebook too, although i don’t love the older couple scenes which i find too Nicolas Sparks maudlin for me. Check out this list and see if you agree. BTW, i should mention that i have a new release coming that is already up for preorder at Dreamspinner Press. It’s called Tackling the Tight End and it’s a favorite story of mine. I hope it will be one of your fave Top 10 Romances too! Here are the movies:

Thank you for stopping by! : )