aloysius2Hi — Happy National Cat Day! While it’s very true that i have a dog and no cat — spellcat400x600because my poor honey is deeply allergic to kitties — I’m still a mad cat fan. If you read my books, you know i write a ton of cats and on Halloween (Monday) i’m releasing the first of a three-book series that has a truly bad ass cat as one of the main characters. His name is Aloysius and he’s actually a witch’s familiar who looks like a blue-eyed black cat. He isn’t a talking cat — but you still get a very solid impression of his personality.

My most popular contemporary novel, Knight of Ocean Avenue, has two fabulous cats, Clancy and Yerby, who my hero Billy calls his gay cats. One is orange and one is black, so Billy says they curl together in perpetual Halloween. In my newest novel, Lord of a Thousand Steps, the huge white cat, Anderson Cooper, is an amazing character who propels a lot of the action.

PackorthePanther[The]LGOne of my favorite cat characters is panther shifter, Paris Marketo, in The Pack or the Panther. In his human form, Paris is so catlike that people who don’t like cats often don’t like him. They call him independent and selfish. Hmm. does that sound like a cat you know?

So happy National Cat Day, my friends! Here are some wonder kitties for your celebration!  (And if you’d like to pre-order Spell Cat, you can get it HERE and you’ll be reading it on Halloween!) Thank you for coming by!!5c862fe0c3691ca366b5a978a05efa8d 4749779cc00706062f53c5b6e27ef54f 10404481_10152424805408197_5577960913473548258_n 10552592_10152406144158197_4264127272478681060_n