Hi everyone–

Congratulations to Christy who won the Tara Lain 2012 calendar. It will be winging its way to her very soon. Enjoy. And on to the next contest. The Fire Balls Blog Tour starts on release day, Feb 3. The current schedule is posted on my website under Events so check it out.

And now, drum roll please, here is the first posted excerpt from Fire Balls, coming Feb 3 from Etopia Press. This short excerpt gives you a brief introduction to the three men who play the biggest roles in the book. Meet Rod, the artist, Hunter, the firefighter, and Jerry, the surfer —

Rodney Mansfield is tiny, flamboyant and, oh yeah, a black belt in karate. He is also one of southern California’s greatest artists. Too bad the work of art he really wants is firefighter, Hunter Fallon. But the gorgeous “straight gay” guy could never want the Runtback of Notre Dame, so when Rodney’s handsome, surfer friend, Jerry, develops an unexpected passion for the beautiful firefighter, Rodney breaks his own heart by helping Jerry land his man. And then Rod makes it worse by embarrassing Hunter when he protects him from a firehouse bully. Hunter hates gay guys like Rodney – doesn’t he? Then why can’t he get the powerful pipsqueak’s face out of his mind… and cock out of his ass? And why does he risk his job and his life to rescue Rod from a burning building? Isn’t it time for him to admit he’s not an alpha male after all and that he is the property of the artist?

“Excuse me, aren’t you the guy I met at the Festival. With those beautiful paintings?”

Holy crap, Rodney knew that voice. But he was frozen.

He slowly raised his eyes and feasted on a sight he had never enjoyed this close up. Hunter Fallon stood at the table. That face. Nearly perfect structurally. Slim nose, cheekbones so high they left hollows, a carved chin with a slight cleft. His eyes were ice blue but lashes lined them like he’d stopped by the makeup counter for a touchup.

And dimples. Oh, be still my heart. So deep he could lose a fingertip in them.

Jerry seemed as stunned as Rodney felt, but he recovered. “Yeah, man, you were admiring the gorgeous guys in the paintings.”

Hunter shrugged, still smiling. “More the painting style, but yeah. They were pretty gorgeous, now that you mention it.”

“Well, this here is Roman. The guy who painted them. You said you were a fan.”

The crystal eyes turned to Rodney. Oh shit. Rod wanted to say something. He had to say something.

Hunter blushed. Yep, pink across the cheekbones. He glanced at Rod, then away. Seemed ill at ease. “I really admire your work, Mr. Roman. It’s exceptional.”

“Uh, Rodney. Rod.”

“Oh, but the paintings…”

Rodney swallowed. “Rodney Mansfield. Ro-man.”

“I see. Your nom de plume.”


“Hey, have you eaten?” Jerry asked, apparently recovered. “Why don’t you take a load off? Sit.”

Hunter looked around, visibly nervous. “Thanks. I ate with my sister, but she had to leave so I was having a drink at the bar.”

Rod practically fainted from relief, and Jerry laughed. “Your sister. Way cool, she’s your sister. So come have a drink with us.”

Subtle much? Jeez, Rod wanted to die, sink into the planter next to them, or anything to disappear.

“I don’t want to intrude. Maybe another time.”

Jerry almost jumped out of his chair. “Hey, no intrusion. I’ll call the waiter and have him bring your tab.”

Hunter’s eyes flicked toward the bar. The guy was not comfortable. Finally he shrugged and pointed toward the mass of humanity packed into the narrow space at the other end of the restaurant. “You’ll never get his attention. Let me go settle my tab. Then, uh, I’d love to join you.” He glanced at Rod.

Jerry chortled. “That would be great, man. Just great.”

Hunter turned and threaded his way through the tables. Jerry grabbed Rod’s arm. “Bitchin’, man. She’s his sister. And he thought your guys were gorgeous. Shit, this is lookin’ gooood.”

Sadly, Rodney had to agree. The guy probably came over and made contact because he was interested in Jerry. Not as likely a straight guy would have done it. But he didn’t seem very comfortable so maybe Jerry had railroaded him. Either way, Rod didn’t want to be around to watch. “OK, darling. I’m going to leave and give you two some time to get to know each other.”

Jerry’s fingers tightened. “No, man. Don’t leave me. I don’t know what to say to a guy like him.”

“What do you mean? What do you say to your other dates?”

The surfer flashed that mischievous grin. “Let’s fuck?”

Rod shook his head. “You’re right, that won’t work here.”

“So you’ll stay? Help me?”

Since he felt like crying, that might not be the best idea. “No, I’m leaving. But here’s what you do. Just ask him questions about himself. Ask what he does and then think of all the stuff you ever wanted to know about being a fireman and ask him. Ask his hobbies and what sports teams he likes. You know what to do, Jerry. You’re a great friend. People love you.”

Jerry’s blue eyes widened. “They do?”

“Of course.”

Across the restaurant, Hunter was taking his wallet from his pocket.

Better move. “So, have a fun evening. Make my apologies. Just tell him I had to go…paint. ’Bye, darling.” Rod blew Jerry a kiss and took the long way around the restaurant to the front door.

He didn’t want to run into Hunter on the way out. What would he say? Hey, I’m ripping out my heart so that you can get to know Jerry? I want you so bad my teeth hurt but I know you’d never be interested in a freak like me.

He pushed open the door. Deep breath. Yeah, California nights. Twenty degrees cooler than the daytime. But he was a lot colder than the air. 

There you go. Get ready for lots more firefighter fun. Thanks so much for visiting.    :  )