This is really kind of a presumptuous blog right now, because i don’t yet have a published book to offer you. I have two manuscripts being edited but with no publication dates set. So, over the next weeks and months i hope to share a bit about my books and characters, tidbits from some of my favorite authors, links to blogs, favorite movies and books and pretty much anything that comes to mind.

I write erotic romance, mostly contemporary male/male and menage, at least so far, although i have written a chunk of a menage science fantasy. The book furthest along in editing tells the story of a female scientist, attracted to her much younger research partner, who finds out said hunk is gay, at least operationally. What follows is a menage that threatens her very well-established career and the work that she loves. I’ll tell you more later.
I’m also an artist. I paint and collage, so from time-to-time i’ll put some examples of that work on the blog. That’s until i have book covers to take its place. : ) I’m a better artist than a photographer, so sorry for the really fuzzy photos.

I’ll share the experience of getting two books ready for publication while holding a day job and having a busy life. You share too.